+ Maximum Rating (G - NC17): PG...with occasional explorations in something higher (depends on the day).
+ Genres (underline all you're happy to write): Angst, Fluff, AU, Crossover, Smut, Humor, Gen.
+ Crossovers/AUs I'll try: (AUs) Doctor Who, Hunger Games, Eureka, Buffy/Angel, (FX's fantastic Spy Animation series) Archer, and Black Books. I'm game to try most TV/Movie: Superhero, Spy, Sci-fi, Modern, Crime, Drama worlds (I may have to research it, if I'm not familiar with writing it). Including, The Avengers, Suits and X-Files. I'll also AU: the Alien or Die Hard movie worlds. & I will try a crossover if it's simple. I love Modern AUs.
+ I like to write/wish in general: Crack, and just about anything else. Gwen, I love Gwen. I miss the OT4. I want more Gwen & Leon. I think Gwen balances Merlin, the two of them together in a scene is one of my favourite things. I wish Arthur had been a grey character from the beginning that we'd got to watch grow and change. I wish Uther was alive. I wish Gwen had gone to live with Morgs in her banishment. I like the idea of Morgana being the heir (I know she's a girl) and Arthur being the willful forgotten prince. An Arthur/Gwen/Morgana triangle makes sense to me. As does an Arthur/Gwen/Merlin one - both would shake the foundations of Camelot and test the characters. My fav seasons are, S2, S3, S1 in that order. S1 had a lot of potential. Gwaine's my favourite Knight after Leon. Mostly, because of his S3 badassery awesomeness, and his face…and everything under it. I adore the idea of making our fav (and not so fav) characters related - by blood, adoption or marriage - and would do so happily with anyone but Elyan, exploring the relationship dynamics. My fav imagining at the moment is a scenario where Uther fathered Morgs and Gwen out of wedlock, and Arthur's not his biological son at all, and Gwen and Morgs are forced to tell Arthur. I like quotes, and song lyrics prompts, but also just incredibly funny or incredibly angst ones. I don't mind killing people off (but not Gwen). I'd change just about EVERY SINGLE THING Morgana's done since the end of S2, and I'd start with her never going anywhere without Gwen.
The start of my fav Wonderings:
- If there was no magic, at all. - If Lance had proposed in S1, and stuck around. - If Cenred and Gwaine were brothers. - If Cenred had kidnapped Gwen at a young age, and she was his surrogate little sister. - If Arthur knew ALL the secrets kept from him. - If a parallel universe Arthur, Gwen, Merlin and Morgana showed up in our Camelot. And were ebil.
(It's not really cheating to explain in a bit more detail what makes my Muse dance a hearty jig)
+ Lastly, I won't write these topics/characters: I don't do Gaius well, I'll write him but keep expectations low. I don't like writing baby!fic, or kid!fic. I like things that haven't been done a million times. I'm not a huge fan of S4 (I haven't seen it all, but I know the gist) - and I'm possibly the only AG fan who wishes AG hadn't gotten married. It bothers me when things don't get properly worked out. Anything I write set in S4 will be a rewrite. I know nothing about S5, so - I'd be guessing or wishing or both. I don't follow incest pairings, tho I have no qualms over Morgana/Morgause…I'm probably just desensitised (plus, I can't work out how they're related lol). I can't slash Arthur/Merlin the show does that enough. No Non Con, or anything too heavy in that vein, please. All those squicky things you avoid writing? Let's assume I avoid them too. I don't mind slashing Merlin with Gwaine or Lancey, but no one else. Nothing Elyan centred, I've cooled on him since…S4.
I'll consider RPF, BUT NO A/B centred prompts. I'll consider 'half RPF' prompts if it's not in my first 4. Anything over OT4 will be mostly dialogue and possibly light a character or two. I will not write anything over OT6. I hate Agravaine, let's stop talking about him.
* OH AND: I may twist your prompt to suit my Muse, for this I apologise in advance.
...is it wrong that I'm scared to click 'Add comment'? As a Mod and all, I should be brave right? *makes little whiney sound*
I MISS SUBJECT HEADINGSmustbethursday3September 18 2012, 12:55:10 UTC
I know what Merlin did last Summer, Crack, OT4, G
Arthur’s voice cut through the silence like an air horn.
“Can somebody please tell me why everyone’s sulking?”
In the passenger seat beside him, Gwen leant her head against the window, and pulled her coat further around her shoulders.
In back, Morgana and Merlin traded a look, before Morgana sneered and went back to scanning her emails on her phone.
Frowning, Merlin narrowed his eyes.
“Why is she here again?” He sat forward, his hand touching Gwen’s shoulder to get her attention.
Morgana’s crimson lips spread in a sneer. “Seriously?”
“Don’t start,” Gwen mumbled into her scarf, closing her eyes.
“All of this is pretty telling, really. Merlin kills someone and gets blackmailed and we form a fucking search party..or whatever this is.”
“Morgana. He didn’t-”
“Least, not yet,” Arthur cut in, his eyes moving over to Gwen. “That guy could still come out of his coma.”
“Do you really, really, want to bring up the past?” Merlin asked, ignoring Arthur and turning on Morgana. “We would need a bloody great Atlas to show where all your bodies are buried.”
Gwen clicked her jaw, pressing her forehead to the cool glass. “I think I'm beginning to loathe reunions.”
Arthur looked over, than back at the road, “Didn’t you miss anything from the old days?” he asked quietly.
Before Gwen could answer, Morgana scoffed. “Like the police?”
“Or Morgana’s dazzling personality?”
Morgana reached over and pinched Merlin’s cheek. “Said the murderer.”
Merlin batted her away, “Takes one to know one.”
“Didn’t even get to have any champagne,” Gwen mused, checking her watch. “Or get to say goodbye to Gwaine and Leon.”
“No big loss then,” Arthur said, trying to get her to smile. “You say hello to Gwaine and he thinks you’re coming on to him. I don’t even want to consider what he thinks goodbye means.”
He turned to find her staring out into the night. "Uh Earth to Gwen." Nothing. "Guinevere, this is your captain speaking-"
Gwen turned her head, looking thoughtful, “You know, you started with the wrong question.”
“And the right one would be?” Morgana prompted, looking coolly interested.
Gwen met her eyes in the rearview mirror, “How someone knew we’d all be there.”
“It was our ten year reunion.”
“No,” Gwen looked over her shoulder, “I wasn’t going to attend.” She ignored the grunt Arthur made. “I only decided to when my flight fell through - I’m meant to be on my way to Chile.”
Merlin leaned into her line of sight, “New dig?”
“Commissioned by the Chilean government,” Gwen smiled, pleased. “Do you know how long I’ve been campaigning them to let me at that new settlement site they stumbled on last year?”
Merlin furrowed his brow, “Probably since... before you even heard about it.”
Morgana bit back a smile, but Gwen saw it and reached out and hit her on the leg. “Oh. You’re getting me off track.”
“Then hit Merlin’s leg,” Morgana returned primly.
“Probably hard for her to tell the difference in the dark,” Arthur muttered, eyes on the road. "You've let your winter coat grow in, I expect."
Morgana flipped him off.
“Oi, I saw that.”
"Maybe you should try watching the road."
Gwen rolled her eyes at Merlin.“Back to the point - we all got that message. But there’s really something off about this whole thing.”
Gwen groaned.
“They didn’t ask for anything,” Morgana realized.
“And how many people even know about the accident?” Merlin added.
“And how many knew that you were driving?”
“And why wait til now, months later?” Morgana sighed. "Why not confront us at Gaius' eightieth?"
“No one even knew I was in the country,” Arthur said slowly. “How’d they know to send that picture to me as well?”
“They’ve just been waiting,” Gwen concluded. “Waiting for the right time. So the most important question is - why now?”
Morgana peered into the darkness at the shapes swishing by, “And also: why is Arthur driving us halfway to Scotland?”
- - -
(I am very rusty at writing - and you can tell, sorry. I don't know what this mess is...and OH GOD a list for little ol me? How excessive.)
Piper is right this is so you! I love the unique way you write! And the last line made me lol a lot! Because I just have a feeling Morgana wishes she was driving!
I love the banter, you are such a pro at that always! And I love how they're all so sleuthing everything out at the end. Then Morgana with the ending question, perfect. So fun this one, just like you!
Space bears are cool, Crack, Doctor who!AU, Arthur, Gwen, Merlin, G - 1/2
"...And then, I'm going to open the doors and you're going to gasp in surprise and delight," Merlin explained, whipping around the console excitedly, his coat flapping around his ankles.
"Maybe...IF you can land in the right century, in the right solar system, and there's not a hoard of bears out there," Arthur replied dryly. "Like last week."
"I meant to do that," Merlin waved him off. "Who doesn't like bears? Space bears are cool."
Sitting on the railing, ankles hooked under the lowest bar, Gwen grinned. "And green."
Arthur raised a hand, in plea. "Please, don't humor the madman, Guinevere."
The Timelord's eyes narrowed as he flicked another switch, hand reaching to swivel the viewing screen closer to himself. "Gwen would you be so kind as to tell your bloke to stop living in the past. And if he's not happy here, he's free to leave?"
"Next stop?" Arthur asked with fake glee, bouncing on his toes, as he fiddled with the zip on his hoodie. "You really mean it?"
"Sure, and don't worry Gwen will soon forget you," Merlin assured Arthur, zipping past him, to struggle with some apparatus that had fallen from the ceiling. "And we'll remember you fondly - from a distance."
"Merlin, that's not-" Gwen began, ready to climb down from her perch, eyes wide.
"It's not emergency gear, never fear!" Merlin assured her, pulling this wire and that cord until it retracted back into the ceiling. Leaving no trace it had ever been there. "But you may want to climb down. Just to be safe."
Gwen was down in a pinch, "Arthur," she said warningly, taking a seat in the jumpseat (with newly fitted seatbelt).
"I'm fine. If he's standing. I am."
Merlin grinned at Gwen, striding over to flick more switches as the Tardis started to shake and pitch, "You really know how to pick them."
"Picked you didn't I?" Gwen threw back cheekily.
Merlin snorted, a grin smoothing over his lips, "One good decision doesn't make up for one bad one."
Suddenly, at that moment the ship turned and Arthur threw an arm out to grab at the rail, but not before everything was sideways...and he found himself falling towards the wall. He hit it with an bang, and Gwen winced on his behalf, her fingers digging into the seat arms.
"You okay?"
Breathless, as the lights turned an interesting shade of amber, and began blinking irrationally, Arthur nodded at her.
"You know I think something might be wrong with the ol' girl," Merlin frowned, one hand clinging to the viewing screen as the ship pitched the other way, sliding Arthur across the floor of the lower deck and out of sight.
"No, more than usual. This is different," Merlin replied, not really paying any attention. His mind whirling behind his bright blue eyes. "You know, it's almost like...but that's impossible."
"What?" Gwen yelled over the sound of the engines, which had now begun to squeal. "You told me nothing was impossible!"
"Well, some things are," Merlin chastised. "Or, well they should be," he continued, looking concerned. "We should be alright as long as the lights don't-"
The amber light within the Tardis turned into a fierce lavender shade.
Merlin flopped down into the jumpseat beside Gwen, kicking one final lever under the console as he did up his seatbelt. "You're going to want to hang on for this."
"Merlin," Gwen protested, looking in the direction she'd last seen Arthur. "Arthur! Hold on!"
"WHAT DO YOU BLOODY THINK I'M DOING?" Arthur growled back, from somewhere in the dark, as unfortunately the lights chose that moment to desert them completely.
Gwen heard Merlin say something along the lines of: 'That's not good' and then there was a rush of pressure and white light and everything went dark.
Space bears are cool, Crack, Doctor who!AU, Arthur, Gwen, Merlin, G - 2/2
Gwen stirred, slow to gather her thoughts as strong hands reached down and grasped hers, pulling her to her feet. It took her a moment to realise that it was Merlin who was holding her up, his expression quizzical. His brainy specs were on (not a good sign). "How many fingers am I holding up?"
She frowned, looking down at the arm around her waist and then to his other one which was now holding his screwdriver. She squinted as he shone it in her eyes. "None."
"Good girl." Merlin released her gently, watching that she could stand before spinning away anxious to fiddle with things.
"Merlin, did we crash...I mean you've never crashed like that before," Gwen began, pushing her hair back from her face and rolling her neck. "That was truly mental."
"Well, not crashed... so much as fell into another universe." Merlin replied, with a frown as he gazed over a printout of shapes and squiggles from the console before folding the paper back in and shutting a lid. He knelt and shone his screwdriver at the console base. "Or, well dragged if you want to be technical."
"Someone dragged us into another universe," Gwen repeated. "Great. How do we get back?"
Merlin looked up at her, an unreadable expression on his face, but he spoke, before she could pester him further.
"You should probably find your little boyfriend, Gwen. Wouldn't want him getting lost in the Tardis on top of everything else."
"Oh my god," Gwen cried, eyes widening. "Arthur!"
There was an answering moan from somewhere down the hallway off the main room.
Gwen started running out of the control room, but spun on her foot as she reached the doorway, "And don't think for a moment that this conversation is over, mister."
Merlin snorted, watching her disappear, "Humans. So panicky." He patted the console. "Please don't strand us here ol girl, I've seen stockholm syndrome at work, it's not pretty. I might even start to like Him."
(Might have turned a little Rose, Ten & Mickey there in some parts. But I like the back and forth of the banter from the Ten days)
This was amazing! You wrote it so well! Loved the G/M banter and Arthur was adorable! Also: I think I prefer the banter between Amy, Doctor and Rory so it sort of more reminded me of them actually.
Even though he's in a place that she can't really reach; that she can see in the way his fingers drum of the tabletop absently as he speaks, stilted, as he orders. Pressing everyone forward, faster, now - he wants the new changes to the Kingdom yesterday. He doesn't want excuses. He doesn't want to see the Knights 'slacking off'. Everyone has to be busy, all the time.
Except her.
He doesn't ask her to do anything.
(Can't really meet her eyes, like he's ashamed - at fault)
And Merlin's worse. If anything.
He keeps disappearing for days at a time - 'securing the Kingdom' he says, but really means 'avoiding Arthur'. The two of them speak in code these days, between the lines, in the force of the words that aren't said as much as the one's she tries to get him to hear and accept.
It's not his fault. It was before his time.
It means nothing to Merlin.
Nothing to Arthur.
Everything to her.
But you don't lose as much as they have, and then let everything else go.
- - -
She gives Merlin a week, and then she stops him, braces her arms over the doorway and won't let him pass.
"Merlin, you're a liar."
He meets her eyes, surprised and hurt.
And she continues, "But if you think I care at all about any of it... If you think this is news to me? You're a greater fool than Uther ever was." With a breath she releases the doorway and steps out of his way, "And the Merlin I know wouldn't run. He wouldn't let his best friend, my husband, suffer alone - and he'd never, ever, take NO for an answer," she finishes angrily and sweeps off down the corridor.
(She tells him one day, after too many drinks after a joust where she went after that. That she cried all over poor Gwaine, who sat with her in her former house, and just rubbed her back, for hours - like her dad used to do when she'd had a nightmare.
But that's the only time she ever brings up those dark days again)
- - -
It takes two more weeks after that before - between the two of them - she and Merlin manage to break Arthur out of his rut.
The first time she sees him smile after, it breaks her heart a little that it's never going to be easy.
God, this was just so sad and.... god I'm just gonna cry now!
I love the way this is written and how it just flows. You captured everyone's emotions really well which I love. I love knowing how each character is feeling. And also, Gwen being mad at Merlin for not being for Arthur was great!
+ Maximum Rating (G - NC17): PG...with occasional explorations in something higher (depends on the day).
+ Genres (underline all you're happy to write): Angst, Fluff, AU, Crossover, Smut, Humor, Gen.
+ Crossovers/AUs I'll try: (AUs) Doctor Who, Hunger Games, Eureka, Buffy/Angel, (FX's fantastic Spy Animation series) Archer, and Black Books. I'm game to try most TV/Movie: Superhero, Spy, Sci-fi, Modern, Crime, Drama worlds (I may have to research it, if I'm not familiar with writing it). Including, The Avengers, Suits and X-Files. I'll also AU: the Alien or Die Hard movie worlds. & I will try a crossover if it's simple. I love Modern AUs.
+ I like to write/wish in general: Crack, and just about anything else. Gwen, I love Gwen. I miss the OT4. I want more Gwen & Leon. I think Gwen balances Merlin, the two of them together in a scene is one of my favourite things. I wish Arthur had been a grey character from the beginning that we'd got to watch grow and change. I wish Uther was alive. I wish Gwen had gone to live with Morgs in her banishment. I like the idea of Morgana being the heir (I know she's a girl) and Arthur being the willful forgotten prince. An Arthur/Gwen/Morgana triangle makes sense to me. As does an Arthur/Gwen/Merlin one - both would shake the foundations of Camelot and test the characters. My fav seasons are, S2, S3, S1 in that order. S1 had a lot of potential. Gwaine's my favourite Knight after Leon. Mostly, because of his S3 badassery awesomeness, and his face…and everything under it. I adore the idea of making our fav (and not so fav) characters related - by blood, adoption or marriage - and would do so happily with anyone but Elyan, exploring the relationship dynamics. My fav imagining at the moment is a scenario where Uther fathered Morgs and Gwen out of wedlock, and Arthur's not his biological son at all, and Gwen and Morgs are forced to tell Arthur. I like quotes, and song lyrics prompts, but also just incredibly funny or incredibly angst ones. I don't mind killing people off (but not Gwen). I'd change just about EVERY SINGLE THING Morgana's done since the end of S2, and I'd start with her never going anywhere without Gwen.
The start of my fav Wonderings:
- If there was no magic, at all.
- If Lance had proposed in S1, and stuck around.
- If Cenred and Gwaine were brothers.
- If Cenred had kidnapped Gwen at a young age, and she was his surrogate little sister.
- If Arthur knew ALL the secrets kept from him.
- If a parallel universe Arthur, Gwen, Merlin and Morgana showed up in our Camelot. And were ebil.
(It's not really cheating to explain in a bit more detail what makes my Muse dance a hearty jig)
+ Lastly, I won't write these topics/characters: I don't do Gaius well, I'll write him but keep expectations low. I don't like writing baby!fic, or kid!fic. I like things that haven't been done a million times. I'm not a huge fan of S4 (I haven't seen it all, but I know the gist) - and I'm possibly the only AG fan who wishes AG hadn't gotten married. It bothers me when things don't get properly worked out. Anything I write set in S4 will be a rewrite. I know nothing about S5, so - I'd be guessing or wishing or both. I don't follow incest pairings, tho I have no qualms over Morgana/Morgause…I'm probably just desensitised (plus, I can't work out how they're related lol). I can't slash Arthur/Merlin the show does that enough. No Non Con, or anything too heavy in that vein, please. All those squicky things you avoid writing? Let's assume I avoid them too. I don't mind slashing Merlin with Gwaine or Lancey, but no one else. Nothing Elyan centred, I've cooled on him since…S4.
I'll consider RPF, BUT NO A/B centred prompts. I'll consider 'half RPF' prompts if it's not in my first 4. Anything over OT4 will be mostly dialogue and possibly light a character or two. I will not write anything over OT6. I hate Agravaine, let's stop talking about him.
* OH AND: I may twist your prompt to suit my Muse, for this I apologise in advance.
...is it wrong that I'm scared to click 'Add comment'? As a Mod and all, I should be brave right? *makes little whiney sound*
(The comment has been removed)
Arthur’s voice cut through the silence like an air horn.
“Can somebody please tell me why everyone’s sulking?”
In the passenger seat beside him, Gwen leant her head against the window, and pulled her coat further around her shoulders.
In back, Morgana and Merlin traded a look, before Morgana sneered and went back to scanning her emails on her phone.
Frowning, Merlin narrowed his eyes.
“Why is she here again?” He sat forward, his hand touching Gwen’s shoulder to get her attention.
Morgana’s crimson lips spread in a sneer. “Seriously?”
“Don’t start,” Gwen mumbled into her scarf, closing her eyes.
“All of this is pretty telling, really. Merlin kills someone and gets blackmailed and we form a fucking search party..or whatever this is.”
“Morgana. He didn’t-”
“Least, not yet,” Arthur cut in, his eyes moving over to Gwen. “That guy could still come out of his coma.”
“Do you really, really, want to bring up the past?” Merlin asked, ignoring Arthur and turning on Morgana. “We would need a bloody great Atlas to show where all your bodies are buried.”
Gwen clicked her jaw, pressing her forehead to the cool glass. “I think I'm beginning to loathe reunions.”
Arthur looked over, than back at the road, “Didn’t you miss anything from the old days?” he asked quietly.
Before Gwen could answer, Morgana scoffed. “Like the police?”
“Or Morgana’s dazzling personality?”
Morgana reached over and pinched Merlin’s cheek. “Said the murderer.”
Merlin batted her away, “Takes one to know one.”
“Didn’t even get to have any champagne,” Gwen mused, checking her watch. “Or get to say goodbye to Gwaine and Leon.”
“No big loss then,” Arthur said, trying to get her to smile. “You say hello to Gwaine and he thinks you’re coming on to him. I don’t even want to consider what he thinks goodbye means.”
He turned to find her staring out into the night. "Uh Earth to Gwen." Nothing. "Guinevere, this is your captain speaking-"
Gwen turned her head, looking thoughtful, “You know, you started with the wrong question.”
“And the right one would be?” Morgana prompted, looking coolly interested.
Gwen met her eyes in the rearview mirror, “How someone knew we’d all be there.”
“It was our ten year reunion.”
“No,” Gwen looked over her shoulder, “I wasn’t going to attend.” She ignored the grunt Arthur made. “I only decided to when my flight fell through - I’m meant to be on my way to Chile.”
Merlin leaned into her line of sight, “New dig?”
“Commissioned by the Chilean government,” Gwen smiled, pleased. “Do you know how long I’ve been campaigning them to let me at that new settlement site they stumbled on last year?”
Merlin furrowed his brow, “Probably since... before you even heard about it.”
Morgana bit back a smile, but Gwen saw it and reached out and hit her on the leg. “Oh. You’re getting me off track.”
“Then hit Merlin’s leg,” Morgana returned primly.
“Probably hard for her to tell the difference in the dark,” Arthur muttered, eyes on the road. "You've let your winter coat grow in, I expect."
Morgana flipped him off.
“Oi, I saw that.”
"Maybe you should try watching the road."
Gwen rolled her eyes at Merlin.“Back to the point - we all got that message. But there’s really something off about this whole thing.”
Gwen groaned.
“They didn’t ask for anything,” Morgana realized.
“And how many people even know about the accident?” Merlin added.
“And how many knew that you were driving?”
“And why wait til now, months later?” Morgana sighed. "Why not confront us at Gaius' eightieth?"
“No one even knew I was in the country,” Arthur said slowly. “How’d they know to send that picture to me as well?”
“They’ve just been waiting,” Gwen concluded. “Waiting for the right time. So the most important question is - why now?”
Morgana peered into the darkness at the shapes swishing by, “And also: why is Arthur driving us halfway to Scotland?”
- - -
(I am very rusty at writing - and you can tell, sorry. I don't know what this mess is...and OH GOD a list for little ol me? How excessive.)
(The comment has been removed)
"...And then, I'm going to open the doors and you're going to gasp in surprise and delight," Merlin explained, whipping around the console excitedly, his coat flapping around his ankles.
"Maybe...IF you can land in the right century, in the right solar system, and there's not a hoard of bears out there," Arthur replied dryly. "Like last week."
"I meant to do that," Merlin waved him off. "Who doesn't like bears? Space bears are cool."
Sitting on the railing, ankles hooked under the lowest bar, Gwen grinned. "And green."
Arthur raised a hand, in plea. "Please, don't humor the madman, Guinevere."
The Timelord's eyes narrowed as he flicked another switch, hand reaching to swivel the viewing screen closer to himself. "Gwen would you be so kind as to tell your bloke to stop living in the past. And if he's not happy here, he's free to leave?"
"Next stop?" Arthur asked with fake glee, bouncing on his toes, as he fiddled with the zip on his hoodie. "You really mean it?"
"Sure, and don't worry Gwen will soon forget you," Merlin assured Arthur, zipping past him, to struggle with some apparatus that had fallen from the ceiling. "And we'll remember you fondly - from a distance."
"Merlin, that's not-" Gwen began, ready to climb down from her perch, eyes wide.
"It's not emergency gear, never fear!" Merlin assured her, pulling this wire and that cord until it retracted back into the ceiling. Leaving no trace it had ever been there. "But you may want to climb down. Just to be safe."
Gwen was down in a pinch, "Arthur," she said warningly, taking a seat in the jumpseat (with newly fitted seatbelt).
"I'm fine. If he's standing. I am."
Merlin grinned at Gwen, striding over to flick more switches as the Tardis started to shake and pitch, "You really know how to pick them."
"Picked you didn't I?" Gwen threw back cheekily.
Merlin snorted, a grin smoothing over his lips, "One good decision doesn't make up for one bad one."
Suddenly, at that moment the ship turned and Arthur threw an arm out to grab at the rail, but not before everything was sideways...and he found himself falling towards the wall. He hit it with an bang, and Gwen winced on his behalf, her fingers digging into the seat arms.
"You okay?"
Breathless, as the lights turned an interesting shade of amber, and began blinking irrationally, Arthur nodded at her.
"You know I think something might be wrong with the ol' girl," Merlin frowned, one hand clinging to the viewing screen as the ship pitched the other way, sliding Arthur across the floor of the lower deck and out of sight.
"No, more than usual. This is different," Merlin replied, not really paying any attention. His mind whirling behind his bright blue eyes. "You know, it's almost like...but that's impossible."
"What?" Gwen yelled over the sound of the engines, which had now begun to squeal. "You told me nothing was impossible!"
"Well, some things are," Merlin chastised. "Or, well they should be," he continued, looking concerned. "We should be alright as long as the lights don't-"
The amber light within the Tardis turned into a fierce lavender shade.
Merlin flopped down into the jumpseat beside Gwen, kicking one final lever under the console as he did up his seatbelt. "You're going to want to hang on for this."
"Merlin," Gwen protested, looking in the direction she'd last seen Arthur. "Arthur! Hold on!"
"WHAT DO YOU BLOODY THINK I'M DOING?" Arthur growled back, from somewhere in the dark, as unfortunately the lights chose that moment to desert them completely.
Gwen heard Merlin say something along the lines of: 'That's not good' and then there was a rush of pressure and white light and everything went dark.
- - -
Cont. Part 2.
Gwen stirred, slow to gather her thoughts as strong hands reached down and grasped hers, pulling her to her feet. It took her a moment to realise that it was Merlin who was holding her up, his expression quizzical. His brainy specs were on (not a good sign). "How many fingers am I holding up?"
She frowned, looking down at the arm around her waist and then to his other one which was now holding his screwdriver. She squinted as he shone it in her eyes. "None."
"Good girl." Merlin released her gently, watching that she could stand before spinning away anxious to fiddle with things.
"Merlin, did we crash...I mean you've never crashed like that before," Gwen began, pushing her hair back from her face and rolling her neck. "That was truly mental."
"Well, not crashed... so much as fell into another universe." Merlin replied, with a frown as he gazed over a printout of shapes and squiggles from the console before folding the paper back in and shutting a lid. He knelt and shone his screwdriver at the console base. "Or, well dragged if you want to be technical."
"Someone dragged us into another universe," Gwen repeated. "Great. How do we get back?"
Merlin looked up at her, an unreadable expression on his face, but he spoke, before she could pester him further.
"You should probably find your little boyfriend, Gwen. Wouldn't want him getting lost in the Tardis on top of everything else."
"Oh my god," Gwen cried, eyes widening. "Arthur!"
There was an answering moan from somewhere down the hallway off the main room.
Gwen started running out of the control room, but spun on her foot as she reached the doorway, "And don't think for a moment that this conversation is over, mister."
Merlin snorted, watching her disappear, "Humans. So panicky." He patted the console. "Please don't strand us here ol girl, I've seen stockholm syndrome at work, it's not pretty. I might even start to like Him."
(Might have turned a little Rose, Ten & Mickey there in some parts. But I like the back and forth of the banter from the Ten days)
I had fun. I used to write DW, so I've missed it a little. Especially, writing the banter. That's the best part.
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It was better than I expected too.
And it was easier than writing any of the other prompts. Like, scary easy.
And FUN. So fun.
..I want more actually. More of this 'verse...if only someone would prompt it.
*is tackle hugged* Ooof.
Thank you, that's my favorite part. And awh, you say the nicest things.
Actually, I do have another DW prompt, but it's a crossover - and when I saw that I was all DW \o/ the universe knew I wanted more and it provided.
Still, Merlin as the doctor and AG as his companions. And HOW Jack would Gwaine be? OOOH Prompt me Gwaine!Jack!
She doesn't tell him it'll be okay.
(He wouldn't believe her anyway)
She doesn't tell him that she knows how he feels.
(She can't)
She doesn't leave him alone.
(Never will)
Even though he's in a place that she can't really reach; that she can see in the way his fingers drum of the tabletop absently as he speaks, stilted, as he orders. Pressing everyone forward, faster, now - he wants the new changes to the Kingdom yesterday. He doesn't want excuses. He doesn't want to see the Knights 'slacking off'. Everyone has to be busy, all the time.
Except her.
He doesn't ask her to do anything.
(Can't really meet her eyes, like he's ashamed - at fault)
And Merlin's worse. If anything.
He keeps disappearing for days at a time - 'securing the Kingdom' he says, but really means 'avoiding Arthur'. The two of them speak in code these days, between the lines, in the force of the words that aren't said as much as the one's she tries to get him to hear and accept.
It's not his fault. It was before his time.
It means nothing to Merlin.
Nothing to Arthur.
Everything to her.
But you don't lose as much as they have, and then let everything else go.
- - -
She gives Merlin a week, and then she stops him, braces her arms over the doorway and won't let him pass.
"Merlin, you're a liar."
He meets her eyes, surprised and hurt.
And she continues, "But if you think I care at all about any of it... If you think this is news to me? You're a greater fool than Uther ever was." With a breath she releases the doorway and steps out of his way, "And the Merlin I know wouldn't run. He wouldn't let his best friend, my husband, suffer alone - and he'd never, ever, take NO for an answer," she finishes angrily and sweeps off down the corridor.
(She tells him one day, after too many drinks after a joust where she went after that. That she cried all over poor Gwaine, who sat with her in her former house, and just rubbed her back, for hours - like her dad used to do when she'd had a nightmare.
But that's the only time she ever brings up those dark days again)
- - -
It takes two more weeks after that before - between the two of them - she and Merlin manage to break Arthur out of his rut.
The first time she sees him smile after, it breaks her heart a little that it's never going to be easy.
That she can't save him.
I love the way this is written and how it just flows. You captured everyone's emotions really well which I love. I love knowing how each character is feeling. And also, Gwen being mad at Merlin for not being for Arthur was great!
Thanks so much for doing this prompt!
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