Mini Challenge 5 :: Anonymous | Left | Exhibition | Comics | Cowboy (Challenge *CLOSED*)

May 05, 2012 16:36

Roll up, roll up, Ag-ers and Merlin lovers, ficters and prompters *cough* - Is there anyone still drifting around out there in LJ land? Can I borrow your attention momentarily?

It's my turn being Modly and I get to bring you the crackfest that is Mini Challenge 5 \o/

Couple things tho, this time the Entry Post is on Dreamwidth. On my relatively unused DW account. Because Dreamwidth has subject headings. And I love subject headings. They're like air....i.e necessary for a long life and a general sense of well being. But never fear, the rest of the posts will be on LJ - ie this Question/Squee Post, the Nom(ination) Post and allllll the Voting and Winners Posts...

So, without further ado, may I present the:

>>>>>>>>>>>>THE ENTRY POST

(Click it if you're brave, or horribly anxious (it'll cure what ails you). Click it if you have the ficting itch and nothing to scratch it. Click it if you want to tell someone what to write. Click it if you're feeling angsty about the events of last season. Click it if you're feeling euphoric. Click it, even if you haven't been around much (like myself). Coz you guys, it's time to go back....for a few minutes at a time and remember why we Ship.)


+ Talk about the challenge (but don't mention specific Fills - by name or content - that should be in THIS post).
+ Talk about the Themes.
+ Talk about the Community.
+ Suggest different types of Word/Challenge limits.
+ Suggest ways to make the Mini Challenge better.
+ Ask Questions.
+ Squee/Babble/Be Off Topic.
Questions I anticipate on getting:

Q1. I don't have a Dreamwidth account - UHOH?
A. That's fine. Normal even. We're playing Anonymously, silly. There's no need for Usernames.

Q2. I have a DW account but no Livejournal one - UHOH?
A. That's cool, we love new people. New people are like old people you haven't met yet. If you want to write (prompt/fict) then please do so. As long as your ficlet has a Title, Genre, Rating it's all gooooood. We ask at the end if people wish to step forward as Winners but if you just want to write and run - that's your right.

Q3. You say in the rules on the Entry Post that you're letting the first 2 and last 2 posted ficlets be Wildcard entries in the Voting. What does this mean?
A. It means if you're one of the first two to post a ficlet after the Challenge starts your ficlet's going to be Voted on (whether you like it or not, lol). And also if you're one of the last two who gets in before the Challenge closes Friday 11th May 2012 23:59 (AEST). I'll use the IP Addresses to make sure that we don't award the Wildcard slots to less than 2 separate individuals.

Come on, let's see how competitive you guys are XD

Q4. Can AGF Mods play?
A. Why Millie, yes, yes they can *laughs*...But because we're playing on DW tho we'll have to post with our LJ Usernames written in the Subject line i.e : 'Mustbethursday3, Challenging Electricity, Drama, PG13'. So that we're not mixed in with the regular entries.

Q5. How do I post Anonymously?
It's just like LJ.
-1- Go to the Entry Post.
-2- Sus out the available Prompts & find the one that's right for you and your Muse. Or Hell, write your own Prompt (Post a new comment).
-3- Click 'Reply to this' on the Prompt you've chosen and start writing, or open up one of the online word counter linked above the comments, or open up a word processing application/program and start writing. Or a mix of any of those.

The comment box should look like this:

Note how the top option is selected, ie Anonymous. This is perfect.

-4- Paste your ficlet text (that is under 150 words, which you know because you counted or made the Internet count it) into the Message part. Come up with a catchy poignant Title, add a Rating and Genre and put that in the Subject line. 
-5- Check your Grammar and Spelling because you won't be able to edit it after posting.
-6- Click 'Post Comment'. And you're done. It Exists. Huzzah.

Q6. What if I made a mistake because I didn't do step 5 very well and I am literally headdesking right now?
A. If you made a spelling/grammar mistake, left out html code and it's all italic (i hate it when that happens hate), came up with better sentence structure or a new ending or more cleverly written dialogue - well Well Done, first of all.

Secondly, just leave a comment of the Nom(ination)/Feedback Post with a link to both the Prompt and Fill, (and a reason) like this:

'Hi, could you please delete my Fill 'She's only there because he asked her to be'.

Prompt: She's a mystery to him, always has been, always will be -
Fill: She's only there because he asked her to be - G - Angst -
Problem: Spelling mistake(/New Edit/Forgot Title/I can do better/ etc.)

I'm reposting my New Version now.'
And I'll delete your old version, and msg you back :)
(NOTE: This all must be done well BEFORE the end of the Challenge ie. you can't contact us with 20 minutes to go OR once the Writing Period is over. And it works best if you are signed in when you make the request because then you'll receive the alert that it's fixed.)

Q7. How close to the Challenge Themes do I have to Prompt? Like can I prompt 'hullabaloo' for the hell of it?
A. You can prompt as wide or as close to the Themes as you want, it's the Writers who has to stick to the Themes. (poor Writers).
Q8. What's your policy on SuperPrompts?
A. OH, do you mean can you prompt something like: 'While attending Comic Con dressed as Cowboys from their cult favorite comic series, Arthur and Merlin take a left turn at an exhibition celebrating the Buffy Comic series and bump into Gwen, a die hard fan of the Sci-Fi Genre. Arthur can't stop staring at her costume.'

Coz. Yes. Please. Meld them together to make awesome.

From NOW to Friday 11th May 2012 23:59 (AEST).

/theme: exhibition, =less than 150, /theme: comics, .challenge: mini (q&s), +mod: mustbethursday3, /theme: cowboy, ~2012 mini challenge: q&s, /theme: anonymous, /theme: left

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