
Dec 04, 2006 10:06

AW~~ I woke up early today so I could go shopping before work but failed. The gift certificate was untill the 3rd of Dec yet I thought I could still use it today. XD haha
Thank you so much for it Dawn~! If I wasn't sick on the weekend I would of used it!!

Well now that I have some time before work... time to goof off on the interwebs. 8D *goes off to try and download/watch Trinity blood and Code Geass*

She's in the bread/run relay I bet.

As you mighta known already I've been home sick for the past couple of days. Boredom sets in and I figure, heck maybe I'll try my hand at a parody! (Tokimemo Girl's Side 2nd kiss / School Rumble) XD

I was thinking of first making it all in Adobe Premiere but things didn't go right and resorted to Flash. BUT! I haven't even touched flash since I was in high school so it was is a challenge for me ^^;;

I'm about 70% done. I still need to:
- make 2 of the last scenes
- resize the chibi photoshop files
- add fake 'credits'

While I'm on the topic of tokimemo...
Man, where's my Keipon and Madoka plushies!? :(((
The website said it was shipped out over two weeks ago now.

Does anyone have Tokito Ami's full version of "Kono namida ga arukara"? It's the ending to School Rumble second term.
Very gratefull if I could leech this song/single off of someone? XD

tokimemo, parody, fail, art

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