Today I read probably
the best article I've found on JT Leroy. Which, yes, I know it's old news, but this is a fascinating take on it.
Other randomness I'm reading: the possible inspiration for Norman Bates in Psycho
[1] [2] On an entirely different note, thoughts I've had about Panic at the Disco this morning:
- If Ryan and Spencer hooked up, would Brendon and Jon get them a "Congratulations!" card? Would it be one of those cheesy ones that play music? Would it play Vanessa Williams' "Save the Best For Last"?
How do they manage to stay upright? And why don't more college AUs feature them playing hacky sack and going to Dave Matthews concerts? Because that's totally what they'd be doing right now if that band thing hadn't worked out.
- Jon is
articulate sometimes. Have I ever mentioned that I love the way he uses "we" when discussing things that happened when he was not yet in the band? I mean, people always talk about how bad he is for leading Panic astray with his drunken stoner ways, but clearly they're worse for convincing him to disavow his own history.
- Wow, Ryan's voice is actually pleasant to listen to. That Brendon's pretty good, too.
Behind The Sea (Alternate Version)Do You Know What I'm Seeing? (alternate version)