
Apr 25, 2011 16:18

Why is it so easy to get in over your head? We think we have all the answers figured out, a clear picture of how our life will unfold, yet any particular circumstance, any feature of our life, could change in an instant. In fact, there should be a giant flashing sign that comes on whenever you start to get too entrenched or too ambitious about anything - I'm fairly confident that nothing good lies a the end of wherever that road goes. The best lifestyle would be to take everything with a grain of salt. If you're like me and you occasionally misplace the filter which separates your fantasy from your reality, force yourself to wake up and smell the coffee once in a while! Otherwise, you'll end up having regrets about experiences you could have enjoyed.

But where's the fun in that, right? Every young girl or guy basically wants to live it up, at every possible chance. And maybe there are brief or even long-lasting moments where we would be up on cloud 9, absolutely lost in the bliss of a carefree youth. But that's the irony of it all - that happiness is so fleeting. That pure satisfaction with life may be worth all the trouble, but the truth remains that such experiences are finite and they more often than not involve damage control. We'll most likely lose ourselves in that happiness and in the most serious case, have intense difficulty (not just career-wise or friendship-wise, but also in our psychological state) touching ground again.

So, once again, I can only think of one way to reconcile somewhat competing interests:
Pretend a doctor has prescribed you a large dose of reality checks. At least once a day, after moments of intense experiences. Can be taken at your discretion when life gets dull.
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