Sep 21, 2010 23:12
dear guy in my women in global media class,
i have something to say. lady gaga's alejandro video (or whatever other examples of females dominating males you so cleverly come up with) is NOT proof that men are just as over-sexualized as women in our culture. BUT HEY LET'S JUST TURN THIS ONE AROUND ON THE WOMEN NOW SHALL WE. because obviously we are the oppressors and this is reverse sexism (hmm does this remind us of any other reverse form of "oppression" that doesn't actually exist?) which proves that we do not live in a patriarchal society, right? RIGHT? oh wait except we do.
dear girl in the same class,
when you say things like, "feminazis ruin it for the rest of us", you sound fucking stupid. do you really think it is okay to compare radical feminists to nazis? because in case you didn't notice, that is what the term implies.
a basic feminism course should be a prerequisite for any class with "women" in the title and also a prerequisite for life in general. or at least a class called, "how to not sound like a privileged asshole every time you open your mouth".
i need a cigarette.