Nov 14, 2007 18:23
OH MY GOODNESS. I am scholastically exhausted and I'm not taking any classes. I took the GMAT on Tuesday, which was also my mother's birthday. It was the only available date to take the damn thing before the application deadline TOMORROW. I'm only applying to one school right now, and if I don't get in there then I will submit applications to other schools in January.
The relatively simple query of: "What was your undergrad GPA?" is turning out to be a headache all its own. I really should be putting the finishing touches on my short answer and essay, but instead I'm trying to recollect what grades I received and I'm trying to add in my Extension and Mesa (Community College) grades into my over-all GPA. The problem is that I don't have a UC transcript so I'm just making up the course units and final grades.
Weirdness: I received the Wall Street Journal today, crammed into my mailbox. Apparently, it's paid for by "my school." Whatever that is. I'm assuming that one of the schools that I am interested in has given me a complimentary subscription, but damned if I know who. I even called Wall Street Journal and they couldn't answer my question.
grad school