Apr 15, 2004 20:39
a guy's walkin along, when he trips and falls down a hole. the walls are so steep that he can't get out.
a doctor comes walkin by, and the guy yells up "hey doc, im down here stuck in this hole. could ya help me out?" the doctor stops, writes a prescription, throws it down the hole and moves on.
a preist comes walkin by, and the guy yells up "hey father, im down here stuck in this hole. could ya help me out?" the preist stops, writes a prayer, throws it down the hole, and moves on.
then a friend comes walkin by. the guy yells up "hey bob, its me. could ya help me out?" the friend jumps down in the whole with him. the guy turns to him and says "what, are ya stupid?! now we're both stuck down here." the friend says "yea, but i been down here before, and i know the way out."