Mermaid, Carolyn Turgeon. I know they're often drivel, but I tend to enjoy fairytale retellings. This was better than some, but not exactly the best. The mermaid and prince are a bit insipid - the book is at its best when focusing on the princess who will marry the prince, as it gives her a strong, sympathetic voice.
The Magician King, Lev Grossman. Shortly after reading The Magicians, I learned that there was going to be a sequel, and I was both horrified and curious. I thought the first novel ended perfectly, and the story didn't need to be continued. I still think that it didn't need to be continued, but Grossman did an excellent job with the sequel. This, too, was really rather perfect. And if I find he's working on another sequel, I'll be looking forward to it.
Pirate King, Laurie R. King. This was my least favorite Russell/Holmes book so far - too many coincidences, not enough Holmes. Boo.
39 - 42. Harry Potter, Books 1-4, J.K. Rowling. Reread! Just in time for Hallowe'en.
A few book posts ago, I mentioned getting tired of the Fables series by Bill Willingham (that was at Vol. 13). Two posts ago, I mentioned reading Vol. 15 (Rose Red) but forgot to mention that the series has piqued my interest again. It seemed worth mentioning.