all i'm doin' is winning they thinkin' that i'm not though

Feb 18, 2012 16:58

Wil Wheaton has made a couple blog/Twitter posts recently about how Chris Brown shouldn't have performed at the Grammy's because everyone is sweeping his beating of Rhianna under the rug. Well, not everyone agreed, and he got spewed some awful hate from Chris Brown fans simply for pointing out the truth. He made a blog post a couple days ago that I felt the need to repost, because I've been relatively flame free (though not exempt from it) in my time on the interweb. He frames his thank you so much more eloquently than I could, you go.

From "In which I realize I need to say Thank You...":

While I didn't take their anger and heartfelt wishes that someone "beat my ass" personally (it genuinely made me sad for them and their families), it has brought into sharp focus something I didn't even realize I've been taking for granted: I'm really lucky that the overwhelming majority of people I interact with -- many of whom I will never meet in person -- are kind and awesome to me.

So I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to you, person-on-the-other-end-of-the-Internet, for reading my various Internetty things, and for not only supporting my work, but for being kind to me. I sincerely hope that your kindness, your enthusiasm for making cool things, and your general awesomeness doesn't just exist online when you comment on something I did; I really hope that it extends into your daily life. I hope you're out there, every day, making the world a more awesome place.

Reposted to all my journals.

famous people: wil wheaton, many me, afteriwake reads too much...

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