Apr 19, 2011 13:54
At one of the communities I'm on there was mention of an anime version of Supernatural, covering the first two seasons plus some original eps/enemies. I'm totally game. I'd kill (no pun intended) for anime!Bela, though.
Which leads me to a question: what is a/some live action TV show(s) you'd like to see animated (as long as the actors from the show did the voices)? Personally, I would love to see Eureka animated. Yes, I know they have a comic book already, but think of how much fun they could have screwing with Carter if it wasn't actually Colin Ferguson portraying him and just voicing him?
Speaking of which, I know Doctor Who has been animate (among other things). Have there been any Eleven cartoons of which to speak?
fandom: whoniverse,
fandom: eureka,
afteriwake is a geek/nerd/dork,
fandom: supernatural