May 26, 2009 11:36
California and states that ban same-sex marriages are stupid: Why? Because California is trying to ban the law now -BUT- Grandfather those already married. So it's like, you guys we recognize, just no new ones. What kinda wishy washy decision is that? Either you acknowledge or you don't.
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In the last election, one of the initiatives on the ballot was Amendment 2. This Amendment to the State Constitution not only bars same-sex marriage, but bars rights for co-habitating, non-married couples. This effectively eliminated the long-standing "common law" marriage that had been in effect in Florida for decades, and means that even couples in a good standing civil agreement get zero rights in regards to the other person. Hospital visitation is denied, for example, if the couple has been together for 40 years but never married. One may be in critical care, but the other person, not being a relative, can't get in for a visit.
Due to this being an Amendment and not a simple law, repealing it will require the same percentage of votes as was needed to enact it; 2/3 majority. By making it an Amendment, and it having passed the common vote, state level judges cannot declare it a violation of the State Constitution. Only a decision at a Federal level that trumps all State level decisions, laws, and Amendments on the matter would force it null and void, excepting the state-level repeal.
Ain't my state stupid?
I'm the only person in my household, and out of all of my friends who believe it should be legalized.
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