I'm bloody back!

Mar 06, 2006 20:13

Hi everyone!

I just got back from Baguio last night. We arrived at about 11:30pm. I was so tired that's why I slept as soon as we arrived and didn't made an effort to post something. It was so damn cold there! Really freezing cold. I almost cried when i took a bath because the water there is freezing! But I still managed to survive it.

It was fun. period. nothing too intriguing or scandalous happened. I hope mum will give me the photos of the trip soon so that I can show it to you guys.


Another reason to celebrate:
I just downloaded the whole Brokeback Mountain OST! woohoo! ♥ I'm so in love with that movie right now!

Bad news:
It didn't won the Best Picture in the Oscars. Shite. WTF???



EDT: Because Summer is sooo near and also my Birthday *wink*, I'll be making my wishlist as well as something to return to you people in my flist! ^_^
I'll post about it soon!
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