
Mar 22, 2006 19:50

we've all experienced it
someone forgets to put something on your sandwitch
someone forgets you ordered a grande and not a tall
someone forgets a deadline
someone forgets a name
someone forgets to return a phone call
someone forgets they were supposed to pick you up
someone forgets that they made dinner plans with you
in the more serious cases
someone doesn't give you the right dose of anestesia
someone forgets to mention their allergy to peanuts
someone forgets to turn the traffic light back on at a major intersection
forgets to take the cancer infested lung out, and instead takes the other one
the commonality in all of these
is that nothing is planned to be intentionally maliscious
but in a very minor or a very major way
someone gets hurt.

People get careless and mindless, thinking only of themselves or are just NOT thinking. Everyone is guilty of it at sometime or another. When is it okay to blame someone for negligence? Does it matter if they didn't mean to hurt you but they still did?

You could get my order wrong, give me a cup that is a size too small, give me too much or too little anestesia or take the wrong leg, arm, or lung. While all those things are horrible, I think the worst way that someone can be negligent is when they are negligent with your heart.
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