(no subject)

Jan 29, 2006 10:09

okay, so the majority of you arent in chemistry, so you probably dont really care about this, but do/have you ever stopped to think of how the electrons feel? they're just there, being pulled in all sorts of directions, and they're easily expendible. they must have massive identity crises (crisises? i dunno...) because of the obvious wave-particle duality that shows on them because of their size, but not on the nucleus. so they're all alone in teh battle. they're also really anti-social because they dont like other electrons and push them away, but they cant talk to the protons because they're so far away from the protons because their shells are so far apart (even though they're not shells, it's more like the general probability taht something will be there, bubt anyway, back to the story)and the neutrons dont really talk much at all. come to think of it, it'd suck to be a neutron too. they're the heaviest of the bunch, so they must get teased, plus always being stuck to those annoying protons? actually, it wouldn't suck too bad, it'd just be very boring... "me life flashed before me eyes... it was very boring" "when i lose my amusement my only defense left against boredom is hatred." neutrons must have a lot of hate too. so must chickens. think about it, cooped up in a cage, all day, either knowing you're being raised to be killed or worse, being too stupid to even realize. but im gonna stop here because this is getting off the topic of molecule particles.

wow, that was REALLY random...
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