Title: Arthur in Avalon
Author: harlequin aka
altocelloPairings/Characters: Arthur/Guinevere (background), Elyan/Niamh, Arthur/Lancelot, Arthur/Merlin (endgame); Arthur, Niamh and Orlaith (original characters, both Sidhe), Lancelot, Freya, Elyan, Gaius, Merlin
Rating: NC17 / explicit
Word count: 29,000
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: We mean no harm and make no profit from this transformative work.
Author’s notes: With gratitude to whimstories for the beta-reading, both kind and thorough. With love to
altocello for once again gracing my humble words with your beautiful artwork. I can’t imagine what I ever did to deserve you, hon! And with thanks, as always, to the
aftercamlann mods for running yet another year of a terrific challenge!
Artist’s notes: Thank you so much to the mods who made this fest happen; without you, none of this would be possible. I would also like to thank
Slashweaver for letting me entice them with the idea of writing for this big bang; it was an absolute delight to work with you again, and your beautiful prose worked its magic on my imagination. Many thanks are also due, as always, to my beta,
Amphigoury; without her thoughtful comments and encouragement these pieces would be so much the poorer. Lastly, I would like to thank the cheering squad,
Jelazakazone and
Alby_Mangroves, whose enthusiasm is dynamic enough to light an entire city. Please know that without this little village, none of these would exist. Thank you, thank you, thank you! ♥♥
Summary: Arthur died in Merlin’s arms, and he’d thought that was the end of his story - but then he wakes up in agony in Avalon, as the Sidhe remove Mordred’s sword-point from his flesh. Soon Arthur is convalescing, and befriending Niamh, daughter of the Sidhe Queen Orlaith. He meets up with other old friends in Avalon, too, who find contentment in this place, but Arthur can never quite settle. He wants to return to the mortal world and continue his work. Orlaith tells him that’s possible - but first the Sidhe want something in return for healing him.
Story link:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20526545 (with art incorporated)
Art link: