Writer Sign ups 2014- CLOSED

Feb 01, 2014 10:10

This is the sign up post post for writers wanting to participate in the Big Bang.

Sign ups will be open until April 20th, 12AM GMT time. After that we will no longer take participants.

Note: if you are already pre-matched with an artist, please remind them to sign up at the artist post!

You don't have to be an LJ user to sign up, but if you don't have an LJ account,  please put your user name and the site you use (f.ex. tumblr, dA, FF.net) in this format 'namehere'@tumblr in your comment and give us the link to your profile so that we know how to reach you.

If you have plans to co-author a story with one or more people, please sign-up in one post with all usernames and emails.

If you sign up now but later realize that you can't participate after all, please send a PM to ac_mod. State 'Writer' in the subject line to reach our primary writer mod.

Note: If you are planning on writing more than one story, your first one must be completed (that means 100% finished and beta'd) and submitted before you are eligible to submit a second. The same deadlines still apply for all stories and only the first story will be eligible for artist matching (though you are free to & encouraged to seek an artist for any other stories on your own).

If you have any questions, please comment on the FAQ or send a pm to ac_mod. This post is only for sign ups, thank you!

When giving your timezone please give the standard time zone! You can check your standard time zone from HERE by searching your home city! STZ can be found after you click the name of the city to the next page.

Please sign up with a following information:

Do you already have ideas or a plot for your story? (It's perfectly fine if you don't!)
Are you planning to write more than one story?
Are you already pre-matched with an artist?
Your timezone:
Is there anything else you'd like to add?

*sign ups 2014, *mod post

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