The POSTING SCHEDULE will be coming soon!
k_nightfox has recently become ill and had a short stay in the hospital, so I've taken over where she left off for the time being and I'm working through the author/artist checkins.
There are a few of you that I can't find a message from. It is possible that I've overlooked something that Kat has already talked with you about, so I'll be sending out some emails tonight to double check your status.
If your name is on this list, please check your email or contact me at asap!
We don't have final check-in information for:
yesimafanwestb0undlyrykflypawhms_sethuchiha-sisterrubberglueliandarhin0merthurtrashbbcmerthurdead_pendragonarisish_roy @G+
bend_me_babysassafrasx If your name is on the list above, please check-in ASAP!
Otherwise, all is well with the ACBB and I've taken into account the date requests that have otherwise been sent in and I have a tentative schedule I plan to post asap!
If you have sent a PM or email and you haven't heard back from us, I'll try to get back to you in the next day or two. If you need an urgent answer to something, please re-send your question or request to the email.
Thank you all for your patience!
Kitty <3