Title: You Looking at Me, Looking At You
Artist: ko_no_yo
Pairings/characters: Merlin/Arthur
Rating (if applicable): G
Warnings: None
Summary: After Merlin once again fails to show up for work, Arthur goes to Gaius and fires his servant, this time he swears for good. Later that day, however, he makes a startling discovery. Merlin has been enchanted into a reflection in his mirror, and only when Arthur is around can he be seen or heard. With no idea how it happened or how to get him out, Arthur must attempt to ferret out the sorcerer. But between Morgana, Agravaine, and his most recent noble guests, there are too many traitors to choose from. And as time goes on, however, Arthur starts to wonder if the biggest traitor is the one looking back at him.
Disclaimer: None of it is mine, I just took it to play.
Artist's notes: With not a moment to spare. Art for argetsleeper's coming fic, she will hopefully be posting during amnesty, so watch out for that. (: