Title: We Lost the Roadmap
story_monger Artist:
0kiwi0 Pairings/characters: Gen; Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, Morgana, Gaius, Lancelot, Leon, Gwaine, Elyan, Percival, Freya, Nimueh, Kilgarrah, Morgause, Mordred
Rating: G
Word Count: 97,581
Warnings: Some discussion of canonical torture and death
Summary: In the Tyne and Wear Department of Magical Management (DMM), kelpies, wayward spells, and unauthorized druid rituals are par for the course. Which isn't to say Merlin Emerson hasn't been noticing some strange events. Or that Gwen Smith hasn't been approached by some highly questionable characters. Or that Morgana Pendragon hasn't seen some troublesome things in her dreams. Or that Arthur Pendragon, recently moved from the London DMM office, hasn't made disturbing revelations about the nature of magic. And who knows what Gaius is thinking?
Best to treat it like another day at the office.
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine; I just send them on cool adventures.
Author's notes: Many, many thanks to the insanely talented artist
0kiwi0 and the gorgeous watercolors she's provided for this story. I can't look at these illustrations and not grin like a complete dork. I feel so lucky to have been able to collaborate with her on this project!
Equal thanks to
doctoraicha for betaing this monster of a fic, and doing a fantastic job of it.
And finally, thanks to the folks at After Camlann Big Bang. I was so excited when I found out that someone was reviving the big bang; you guys have created such a positive atmosphere and I've loved it.
Artist's notes: I had the luck to be able to do some art for the lovely story written by
story_monger. I hope everyone enjoys her story as much as I did.
I would like to thank
Story link:
AO3Art link: