Jan 03, 2022 08:19

This post is for everyone wanting to take part in the ACBB as a Hype-Reader.

The sign up post for hype readers will be up until the end of ACBB!

What is a hype reader?

Hype readers are a new role within our ACBB community, replacing the previous role of cheerleader. If you’d like to support the fest, but can’t participate as a writer, artist or beta we would like to invite you to participate without writing, making art or beta-reading in the capacity of hype reader! Hype readers are people who are interested in helping our lovely creators get a good response by pledging to read, view, and comment on at least two collaborations from the fest. We would also like to ask you to consider reccing the ACBBs you have enjoyed. If you would also like to help out in an alpha reader/supporter capacity, as cheerleaders used to do previously, please answer yes on your hype reader form in the alpha reader/supporter question.

Why should I become a hype reader?

All writers and artists enjoy receiving feedback on their stories and art that they’ve worked so hard on, being a hype reader is a way to show your support and appreciation to our creators and encourage others to give feedback as well. Even if you participate as a writer, artist or beta you can still be a hype reader too.

You don't have to be a LJ user to sign up, but if you don't have an LJ account,  please put your user name and the site you use (i.e., tumblr, dA, twitter, etc.) in this format 'namehere'@tumblr' in your comment or give us the link to your profile so that we know where to find you.

When giving your timezone please give the standard time zone! You can check your standard time zone from HERE by searching your home city! STZ can be found after you click the name of the city to the next page.

Please sign up with the following information:

Your timezone:

How many ACBB collaborations do you pledge to read and comment/review?
Do you pledge to also recc and share works from ACBB that you enjoyed? (on your Tumblr, LJ, DW, or other)
Are you interested in being an alpha reader/supporter for an artist/writer?
Anything else you want to tell us about yourself?

After you sign up for the fest, we encourage you to request membership in our support community camladerie or join us on discord at The Tavern (18+ only) for access to activities & information available only to ACBB participants.

*Please note: if you are uncomfortable with publicly sharing your email address you can email it to us at aftercamlann @ gmail.

*sign ups 2022, hype readers, *signups

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