Title: Afterlife
Merlocked18Word Count: 124k
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, past Gwaine/Merlin,
Characters: Arthur, Merlin, Gwaine, Leon, Hunith, Uther, Mordred
Rating: M (due to subject matter)
Warnings: Temporary major character death, death by drowning
It was the photo that first caught Arthur’s attention. And then he read the accompanying advertisement:
“Meet Jacob.
He’s everything you could possibly want him to be, and more. The help you always wanted. Living, breathing, he can do anything a real human being can do. He’ll cook, clean, take care of your every whim, without complaint. He is the perfect companion. And he could be yours.
Ever wanted to replicate a loved one who has sadly passed? Need help in the home? Or do you simply just want companionship? Look no further, with our bespoke range of Unique Clones ™, all your problems are solved. You can consign your tired, old-fashioned robot to the recycling.
Our clones won’t answer back, they will never complain, they are almost too good to be true…”
Link to Art: TBA
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