Apr 13, 2005 00:15
I got a job at the Health Sciences Center Library. It only pays $6 an hour, and the semester ends in a month, but it's a lot better than nothing. The work environment seems really great, everybody is nice, the work is easy and slow (lots of time for homework). Unfortunately, it's on the other side of campus which is quite a walk and definitely one I wouldn't make after dark. I can take the bus except when I'm working until 12:30am. My boss said she works then though and can drive me back to my dorm.
My mother is determined to see me get my driver's license. Soon. Like before my birthday, when my permit expires.
Got a 96 on my Modern American Drama midterm. Did my recitation and presentation today, that went well. Prof Rosen hasn't had a chance to read my paper yet but loved my title ("Four Alcoholics and One Dead Kid"-I wrote on "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?").
Got an A on my Shakespeare midterm, don't remember if I mentioned it. Same for Caribbean-American Lit course.
We are reading "Breath, Eyes, Memory" by Danticat in afore-mentioned course. Everytime I think it can't get more depressing, it does. But today in class I got to use (ie: show off) my vast (at Stony Brook) knowledge of female genital mutilation and HIV/AIDS, which alternately disgusted and impressed.
I had lunch with Tamara and that was super-keen. I miss that girl. She gave me lots of compliments today which made me blush a bit (I'm bad at accepting compliments. I normally grimace and/or deny) but still was really great. :)
I have no clue what I am doing or even want to do for my birthday (21st). I've gotten drunk twice in the past year and I haven't had any alcohol since December; my personality is far too addictive for me to drink. And my medication gets jealous that it has to share my bloodstream with alcohol and stages a revolt. I can purposely NOT take my medication the night I'm drinking to prevent that, but that also has poor consequences. I am not someone who should miss medication dosages.
Speaking of which, I should've taken my night meds 2 hours ago. I'm going to head back to my dorm (from Athena's).