To help you determine if you are qualified to be a cataloger, take a moment to try this simple test:
1) Write down the numbers from zero to nine and the first six letters of the alphabet.
2) Whose picture is on the back of a twenty-dollar bill?
3) What is the state capital of Idaho?
If you managed to read all three questions without considering why we asked them you may have a future as a cataloger.
DO YOU HAVE A RESTLESS URGE TO CATALOG? tailsy this made me think of you:
You’ve embraced the label “Jewish writer,” when as far as I can tell, what Jewish writers most have in common is a disdain for the label “Jewish writer.”
. . . I don’t know; it doesn’t make sense to me. I see it as so essential to your own survival as a human being and to your own internal coherence. Maybe to somebody like Cynthia (Ozick), or (Philip) Roth, to be thought of as a Jewish writer, there was a fear that you would be ghettoized as a kind of novelty act, and real writers, real American writers, were not Jews. But I am a Jewish writer, and I am a gay writer, and I am an American writer, and I don’t see any point in trying to argue about that.
interview with Tony Kushner This is Ben Templesmith's (new) best face evar.