feminist art

May 30, 2007 22:22

I was re-reading my notes on Our Blood: Prophecies and Discourses on Sexual Politics by Andrea Dworkin and I was thinking a lot about feminist art, and art made by women in general. I recalled how few female artists I was familiar with when I was in high school, and this depressed me. I was also looking through my yearbook from senior year of high school and read my art teacher's comments. She had stuck a sticker depicting a painting of Eve eating the apple in Eden and wrote that my mission was to dis-empower that image. I thought about what I had done with my art and my writing since then to work towards this goal. The answer was not much.
So after that depressing afternoon I decided that for a start I would compile a list of worthwhile female artists and post it on lj. Please, please add to my list in the comments.

For however long writers have written, until today, there has been masculinist art-art that serves men in a world made by men. That art has degraded women. It has, almost without exception, characterized us as maimed beings, impoverished sensibilities, trivial people with trivial concerns. It has, almost without exception, been saturated with a misogyny so profound, a misogyny that was in fact its world view, that almost all of us, until today, have thought, that is what the world is, that is how women are. p.7

I renounce masculinist art. It is not art which illuminates the human condition-it illuminates only, and to man's final and everlasting shame, the masculinist world-and as we look around us, that world is not one to be proud of. Masculinist art, the art of centuries of men, is not universal, or the final explication of what being in the world is. p.8

Feminist art is not some tiny creek running off the great river of real art. It is not some crack in an otherwise flawless stone. It is, quite spectacularly, I think, art which is not based on the subjugation of one half of the species. p.9

Katie West

Nan Goldin

Annie Leibovitz

Cindy Sherman

Imogen Cunningham

Dorothea Lange

Lauren Greenfield

Mary Cassatt

Frida Kahlo

Georgia O'Keefe

Artemesia Gentileschi

Grandma Moses

Louise Bourgeois

Eva Hesse

Anne Whitney

Mixed Media
Barbara Kruger

Victoria Van Dyke

Judy Chicago

Performance Artists
Tamara Wyndham

Marina Abromovic

Eleanor Antin

Andrea Fraser

Laurie Anderson

Regina Jose Galindo


Anne Sexton

Sylvia Plath


Christina Rossetti

Edna St. Vincent Millay

Adrienne Rich

Dorothy Parker

Emily Dickinson

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Nicole Blackman

Judy Grahn


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