My queer studies prof re: The History of Sexuality. Her delivery was excellent.
"There's a new introduction (pause) not by Foucault, he's dead."
And again, this time discussing gay bar raids.
"The police weren't like, OK, who's gay here? Raise your hands! OK, come over here, we're going to arrest you."
Also, I met the boy I'm convinced
bosium is in love with and I want to take him home and make him give me power point presentations on file encryption. That's not even a euphemism. I thought he was an angry little Russian boy but it turns out he's a nerdy adorable little Russian boy. He's just so cute, with his shirt buttoned up all the way and his laptop case and how he waves his arms in the air and bounces around when he gets excited explaining something.
Argh, I still haven't finished this damnable book review that was due a week ago. Thank God I'm PNCing the class.
DoloresHaze55: i joined several new facebook groups, most relating to buffy
gamoid: hah
DoloresHaze55: i went back and forth on "bunnies aren't cute like everyone supposes" but ultimately chose not to join as i really do like bunnies
gamoid: but
gamoid: but
gamoid: they've got those hoppy legs and twitchy little noses
DoloresHaze55: i know. trust me, i struggled with this one
gamoid: and what's with all the carrots, mary kathryn? WHAT'S WITH ALL THE CARROTS?!
DoloresHaze55: seriously. what do they need such good eyesight for, anyway?!
DoloresHaze55: i think i'm going to add "working song lyrics/lines from tv shows and movies into everyday conversation" to my facebook interest
Because this is what I think about when I'm supposed to be doing homework. Updating my facebook profile.
And seriously,
bunnies aren't evil at heart!
They're cute!
Their hearts are filled with cute!