Aug 23, 2004 16:02
No one had updated yet about college (probably b/c I'm the only one that's started yet..or have you, 'Da?) But anyway, I finished my first day as a college student at Virginia Tech. All I can say is *phew*...the worst part is just the walking to classes. But luckily, I dropped my statistics class, so that cuts down my walking tremendously. :) Today I had statistics, intro to communication studies, & geology. Statistics wasn't bad but since I don't actually need it, I figure why take it? I'm taking Math 1016 (pre-cal) instead. My comm class seemed like it'll be fun. The professor is a lefty and she said all the lefties in the class get automatic A's. Too bad she was kidding! Geology was a total bore. *ugh* I had to chew a piece of gum just to keep myself awake. That's about it for classes, though...
My main reason for updating was to share a funny dorm story with you guys. The night before last at approximately 3:30 am we experienced our first fire alarm. Even though it's dreadfully loud, Cara had to wake me up. *haha* I apparently can sleep through anything! But anyway, after Cara screamed my name a few times I was trying to climb down from my loft. Well, I usually just step down on to Cara's desk and then to her desk chair, and then on to the floor. Well, her chair was too far away, so I had the bright idea of trying to jump down. Keep in mind I was pretty much asleep at the time... but yeah, after I got down on to her desk, I tried and failed, and ended up falling on to Cara, tackling her down. *lmao* It was hilarious!!! Right before I fell on her, I think she said "What are you doing?!?!" We've had several funny moments so far. You all will have to come see us soon!
Last night we watched "Godsend." Wow, that movie scared the pee out of me!!! We were both very scared and very freaked out after we watched it..we slept with a little light on. *lol* But it's a really good movie if ya like scary/freaky you all should check it out.
But that's it from the "Tech girls" for now! I love & miss you all!~
- Cat