Friday, late evening. Clapham.

Feb 07, 2006 21:16

Home again shortly before eight o'clock, Andromeda heads for the kitchen, carrying the small pizza she bought on the way out of the gym. She nibbles on a slice of it while feeding her swimming costume into the washing machine, and then takes the box back out into the lounge to continue eating.

First things first, she thinks. The owl she sent this morning ought to go some way towards calming Ted's fears, but another owl in direct answer to it might be no bad thing.

Darling Ted,

Sorry to worry you so. Hopefully you got my other letter. I did mean to owl you sooner, but the news I had to send was just too depressing to write.

I'm fine, really I am. A little upset, but perhaps not as much as I'd expected to be. I've always dreaded that this day would come, so now that it has I guess in many ways I'm a little relieved to have it over with. As I said before though, there are complications, and I guess my head has been so busy with those that I've not really had space in it to spare for anything else. Hopefully I won't just fall apart when I see you - that would be a waste of that sneaked day off you say you might be able to manage - but I do miss having you to hold on to.

I've been keeping busy, as that seemed like the best thing to do. Dora and I went swimming at the gym together this evening, which was nice, and earlier in the day I went house-hunting with S. I'm sure that you know my cousin well enough to imagine how that went; I turned up on his doorstep with a bundle of property details, and he took a look at the first one and decided that he liked it enough to want to go and see without even looking at any of the others. So we Apparated there and broke in for a nose around. It's a nice house, probably a little too large for him but very private with a generous plot of land, and surrounded by trees. I think it'll do him very well. I'm going to pop up there tomorrow morning to see how he and R. are after R.'s big night tonight, and I guess we'll talk details about making an offer on it then.

I'll make sure to be back by mid afternoon at the latest though, in case you are able to make it home for the weekend.

I miss you.

All my love,

The pizza box is empty now, she notes with a certain amount of surprise as she writes in her signature with the usual flourish at the bottom of the page. She'd been hungrier than she'd thought, but then she's not had a great deal of appetite lately. Closing the box, she puts it out with the rubbish, and then takes her coat and keys and walks around the corner to the newsagents that also acts as an owl post office. It's after hours, but there's a side door that you can use to get a post owl, if you know about it.

The owl to Ted despatched with a ferocious but fast looking bird, she returns home and occupies the rest of the evening by completing the still portrait of Ted.

It's turned out rather well, she thinks, though she imagines that the subject will roll his eyes at it when he sees it. She just hopes that he gets the chance to do just that during the coming weekend.


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