Nov 09, 2008 22:28
Who: Nathan and Peter Petrelli
What: Moving in
Where: The CO branch of Petrelli airport A.K.A. their new house
Peter was off helping Rachel move into their new house together, an idea he is slightly doubtful about since it’s proposal, but he couldn’t say no. Rachel seemed like a fine woman, it wasn’t that at all. It was all the more to do with Peter. Nathans sighs to himself as he packs his bag, arranging his belongings neatly. When isn’t it about Peter? It always has been, and it always will be. But even then when that fact may be a burden, it’s worth it in the end. He loves Peter. Always has, and always will.
The only problem may be Peter’s desire to tell Rachel this. Nathan’s always been a man who liked his privacy, liked his secrets kept secret, mostly for the sake of public image. But public image didn’t exactly matter too much, now did it? His thoughts are interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming from the other room. “Peter?”
peter petrelli,
nathan petrelli