Jan 01, 2006 04:54
I watch the movie Kinsey, about Alfred Kinsey, who became, like, a crusader for sexual liberation.
This country was founded by puritans, our culture and our assumptions about the subject evolved from the apparently chaste, strict, and repressive protestant religion.
Assumptions are dangerous.
Who sees the subtext, the instant subconscious socio-economic categorization.
You can define someone so easily by what they wear and the way they walk and their height, color, and shape.
You assume too much you can start a war with someone you agree with.
People often assume a term you use means a certain thing; this is semantics.
I enjoy, as do many others, judging people.
Fat lazy stupid big nose bad taste old. It’s easy. It makes me feel better about my life, the things I’ve been given, or left with.
It’s not malicious though - well, sometimes - but it’s just the truth as I see it.
I like feeling happy for other people; why should I resent or disdain a mother in her ugly minivan? She has a family, kids, and there are joys and responsibilities, and maybe she teaches them that Mexicans are lazy, but she’s doing the best she can.
If I’ve learned anything, it’s that everything is relative. Sometimes I get a glimpse of someone else’s world, and I know that the same event or person or thing could be either great or vile, because everything’s relative.
Just like time and space, the mindfuck of Einstein, and contemporary intellectualism; postmodernism, the deconstruction of everything.
The value of everything is relative, in one person there is multitudes of attitudes; The same things exactly can happen on any given day and one day it makes you violently depressed, or it could have made you circumspect and resilient and happy.
The word Perspective runs through my head, and I often see how I was wrong in the past, and I shake my head at myself, but everybody is the fool.
Over and over.
Perspective is freedom though, I can do the thing the old me didn’t; one more step towards being someone else, the future me, with more of the qualities I aspire to. New and improved.
Step one: maybe try to not be up until 4 am everday.. then ramble and expect people to read it. Yea, how about that.