Oh Lordy. I'm not feeling good at all. I didn't sleep well last night. Mostly because Tina's cat kept attacking my head. He's cute and all, but isn't SLEEP a wonderful thing?
I saw those secret post card things today, where you mail one in with a confession. I don't know if I'm ever going to actually mail one in, but I've been thinking all day, what would I confess? I think I just have too many secrets. Too many insecurities I've just never wanted to share with the world. And yeah, wouldn't it feel amazing to get any one of them off of my chest? Allow it to rise up filled with breath for once in my life? Instead of every breath rising half-way before I feel like I'm going to suffocate again. I hate having secrets. I hate being afraid of what the world would say if they ever actually knew me. Maybe it's just better if I keep it all bottled up. Why dump my burden for the rest of the world to carry. I deserve it more then they do. I'm the peice of shit who brings all of my suffering upon myself. Maybe my biggest confession is that I'm unhappy. But there's nothing wrong in my life.
. I will let you down .