I have such a
boner right now. I just watched a segment of Real Sex involving fucking machines with that dirty pervert Osso Fine. OH! I met Alfred. He's a cool guy. I'd like to fog up his glasses imyouknowhatimsayin. Heh heh. Kidding. I don't wanna work tomorrow. I buy scratch tickets all day and spend all my money. I'm going to end up one of those 57 year old women with the fluffy hair, paying for tickets with quarters and just being generally annoying. I'll probably be one of those cat ladies too. I lived with a cat lady (my aunt) for awhile. HELL ON EARTH. You couldn't move in that house. You were constantly stepping on tails, and tripping over them and landing your foot in a big bowl of cat food. Situation Comedy at it's finest. But it's not funny in real life. Doesn't mean I don't love you Auntie :D
Bukkake party at my house!