Cleaning the gutters. I noticed that all the baby robins were gone from the nest.
"That was fast" I thought. But figured I'd get rid of that timber in the corner and the nest before mommy Robin decided to use it again. (do they have more then one brood a year? I know nothing about these things)
Took the timber down, placed it on it's side to get the next off. Out popped yet one more baby robin, still in the nest.
Oh crap.
Mommy Robin is having a total melt down - as well she should be. Baby robin is freaking out, flapping all over the ground. I'm trying to pick it up, trying to remember if touching them is actually going to make the mother abandoned it, if it I read if that was an old wives tale. Didn't matter - it had to go back in the nest, none the less.
Put the timber back in the corner. Run down the flapping baby with nest in hand, and managed to scoop it up into the nest. Put the nest back on the timber.
Don't know if this is going to work or not. But we'll see. The only saving grace is that it's got to be ready to fly the coop. It's siblings have already....
I felt so bad. How did I miss that thing? I looked right in that nest to be sure it was empty! Then again, once it was on the ground I didn't realize just how deep it was.
Later it was perched on the side of the nest, like ti was thinking about making it's maiden voyage. I'll take another look tomorrow to see if it's gone.
Here's how fast they've grown...
April 29, 2007 - Noticed a new nest with eggs in it...
May 24, 2007 - babies are here. Probably a few days before, but this was the first time I noticed them...
May 28, 2007 - one month later. The last baby is ready to fly the coop. That was fast!