I MADE AN ICON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD

Jan 31, 2007 21:51

Wooohoooo!!!!  I managed to make an icon!!!  *gringringrin*  *squeees and bounces in the chair*

It's absolutely horrible, but I'm so extremely proud of myself that I'm going to use it anyway.  Till I make it better or make a different one that's equally rubbish.  :-D

Umm, let's see if I can put in in here now to show off my first extremely mediocre icon.  :-D  Oh, by the way, it's inspired by a tidbit from "Master and Commander" that I found wonderfully amusing, but I doubt anyone else really would (because I'm exceptionally easily amused), and it won't make any sense whatsoever to someone who hasn't read the book... So no one will be sad that it's horrid, since no one will use it but me, ha!!  :-D

I know, it needs some work.  But I did it.  I DID IT!!!  Just look at it, ah yes.  *beams proudly*  And I didn't even read any of the manuals or anything.  :-D  (bah, I haven't time for manuals...)

For anyone curious, here is the excerpt from M&C:  "But it was only now that Old Sponge's accustomed eye had detected their common enemy hiding under the garboard strake.  The remora was so strong it had certainly torn the sheathing off, they explained to him; but that was nothing - it was so strong it could hold the sloop motionless, in a brisk gale!  But now they had him - there was an end to his capers now, the dog - and now the Sophie would run along like a swan.  For a moment Stephen felt inclined to argue, to appeal to their common sense, to point to the nine-inch fish, to the exiguity of its fins; but he was too wise, and too happy, to yield to this temptation, and he jealously carried the bucket down to his cabin, to commune with the remora in peace."
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