Mar 31, 2005 21:00
so yeah if like you wanna be a really goody goody friend of mine
FILL THIS thingy out
i kinda stole it from erika and aaron!!oopsy!! tee heee
am i your friend?
how did we become friends?
how did we meet?
what did you think of me when you first met me?
do you still think that?
did you know me before we actually talked?
do i need to change something about me?
if so, what?
am i a good person? or a bad one?
do you think im nice or mean?
do i give ugly looks?
do you think im good or bad?
when's the last time we hung out and had fun?
do you call me sometimes?
have you ever called me?
have we ever kissed?
did you ever like me?
have you ever told me a secret?
are we close?
have we ever hung out?
whats the first thing you noticed about me?
what were you thinking?
am i a friendly person?
whats one thing you know about me?
whats one thing you want to know about me?
have we ever fought?
was it stupid?
do you regret it?
is there something you said to me that you regreted?
have i ever been mean to you?
whats your name?
whats my name?
♥ ya'll!!