Yes, I know! I haven't been much on LJ lately due to the final exams and after that I was exhausted and then I planned my birthday and now I'm going to Paris. Lots and lots of things to do. I haven't even written anything in forever. Bummer. Sergio, Fernando, Iker and Co. are wasting away in my writing folder... :/
I haven't been to Portugal. I only applied to a project to do a volunteer service there. I applied for one more project in Portugal and five in Spain, but none of them took me (only one actually answered me...). Bummer, but what can you do? So now I'll go and study and try a semester abroad in Spain. :)
How have you been lately? Everything alright? How are your studies?
And thanks for your support (by the way, my friend says you can vote every day. If you have the time and want to). :)
Aaaaaaaaaaah. I am so so so sorry! I went to Paris, then I came back and had to work on the year book and study for my last exam and then there was grad ball, the year book had to be printed, we got our abitur, etc. x__x
How are you? Are you done with your finals? And thanks for the vores. I am not sure how it's going, she didn't tell me :S
How are you? How was Portugal? AND NOW PARIS YOU LUCKY LUCKY GIRL!
I'll get on to that voting thing rn :D
I haven't been to Portugal. I only applied to a project to do a volunteer service there. I applied for one more project in Portugal and five in Spain, but none of them took me (only one actually answered me...). Bummer, but what can you do? So now I'll go and study and try a semester abroad in Spain. :)
How have you been lately? Everything alright? How are your studies?
And thanks for your support (by the way, my friend says you can vote every day. If you have the time and want to). :)
Oh well, at least you're going SOMEWHERE -_-
I'm alive and breathing, so thank God for that...
YES YES I'LL VOTE FOR HER EVERYDAY :D Until when is this going on??
How are you? Are you done with your finals?
And thanks for the vores. I am not sure how it's going, she didn't tell me :S
YES I AM DONE! and I've started summer semester -_-
How was it? And what are you studying, by the way?
Mehhhh I did fine. I guess :/ Coulda done better..
I'm a nutrition student, but I'm taking Organic Chem this summer (major course)...ffffffsssss
Ah, why do I always forget that? >__< And wow, that really sucks. :/ I hope it won't be so bad. :S
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