I doctored it... can you tell?

Dec 05, 2005 02:33

You Are Older than Time Itself

Under 12: You are childish and piss people off. Fuck you, you fucking baby. No one likes to see a grown man cry.

13-19: What the fuck is the matter with you, you douchbag? You look like a putz. Who the fuck is white and from the "'burbs" but acts like "they from tha hizzood"? Fuck you.

20-29: Get a job.

30-39: You're getting to that point where you've stopped being cool. A younger you would hate the current you. You've abandoned your stupid ideals for your money-grubbing, whorish lifestyle. Good work, you fucking sell-out.

40+: You are old. I mean, Jesus titty-fucking Christ, you're old. You might as well die right now. I mean, fuck. FUCK! Start digging your grave, Oldspice. The end is nigh.
What Age Do You Act?
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