(no subject)

Jul 08, 2007 16:09

I had a really fun dream last night. I don't remember a bunch of it (you know how dreams are), but the part that sticks in my mind is this: I somehow end up at a pool party and I'm wearing a bathing suit (which is weird because I know that in early in my dream I was wearing normal clothes) and all the popular, pretty girls are sitting around the pool. A little ways behind the pool is this huge, like, lake. The only thing is that the rim of the bank is muddy. So you are going to have to get mud on you in order to get into the lake. And I think that the way the lake is, you step on a muddy sandbar type thing for a couple of feet until you make it into the actual deep part of the water. ANYWAY, I look over at the lake and there are ALL GUYS CHILLIN THERE. Like, all girls around the pool. All guys around the lake. Um, you can guys where I was heading. Fuck that pool BS. So I march on over to the lake and start to walk into the mud and all the guys are like OMGZ WHAT IZ SHE DOIN HERE GIRLZ NEVER WANT TO GET MUDDY!!11!11 And before I know it I'm being bombarded by guys who are following me into the water because they think that I'm so damn cool and wonderful, etc etc etc. Me + 15 hot guys who are all clamoring for my attention = a happy Sid.

And in celebration for this wonderful dream. I bring you music:

Jose Gonzalez - Veneer (.rar)

Bonus Song: Storm from the Crosses EP

This is a fucking spectacular album. I can't even tell you guys my love for Jose. Just give the album a listen. Veneer features a cover of The Knife's Heartbeat which is featured in a recent Sony ad. You can view that ad (it involves thousands of superballs) here and the original Knife music video is very cool can be viewed here.
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