and the overpriced skyrocket award goes to....!

Feb 07, 2006 10:00


WAFFLES! I got this thing what? a year ago for 10k and that was undercutted from 11k the previous one had sold for...
For one, I'm amused that the once gimpo item I got maded fun of wearing in PTs is now a OMG gotta have E-pnus item

Oh wait heeeree comes the Socercer's Ring!!!

MAANNN I sooo wish I'd had bought one of those!! It be 4 million in my pocket right now, exactly 4 million I need for those lousy Creek Male Mitts

I guess all the noobs finally figured that you can get badass stats by subbing RDM for no /WHM regen and macro -HP gear then remove for yellow HP and presto!
Latent Active!
I've been doin that forever, maybe one day, I'll ding 75 get me Rosturm Pumps, Byakko Haidates & that helm off Biast in Xarcabard
and some real sexy Haste/Fastcast action!

now if i can only get me that lousy Warlocks Mantle and a certin coat off a retarded fish.... :3
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