Dec 09, 2005 18:42
lolz well dang
aww man am rdy to start playing again -_-
one more month to go!! go go iraqz
but i got lucky and saw some new update shindigs
a DRG revamp - wee
fishing rank - lawlz , fishing blows now remember nerfing that SE?
an MPK change 0_o? - agh i hope that doesnt kick my BST in the nuts;;....
new dynamis - hehe vanguard Bogy
lol my RL friend Westslayer got Duelist Tights on his first dynamis run BOOM! it was freelot LOLZ!
man i hate his luck, he got leaping boots off lizzy when he was passing by as 33 WHM along time ago
the subway sandwhiches suck here ;; and everyone talks about WoW nonstop
FF12 looks good