yay i got 68 and guess what i dont get to play for another 3 months! woot!

Aug 02, 2005 14:07

ok am gonna try a new thing this time, its called i wanna kill you bandwith and make you read alot

off the bat i dont like using cuts, when its my own damn LJ
but foo joo community ppl, ill put one so you can see everyone elses meme or "what kinda b2k boy member are you poll" & what not ,you like seeing

well i guess ill start off with

hey am 68 now!! roxxors!
i can finally equip my badass Acha De Armas i got when i was 63 and some of the Thick set, hands and feet which is about damn time,
battle gloves wasnt cutting it hehe for like the 50 odd lvls i wore them even though i will miss them, /tear...

well i gotta say when terrigan isnt a bad camp when its without gilseller Cocktrice farming PTs fucks, burn in hell Shylamb, and Rhyi MPKing a-holes, CAO NI MA!
hes me at 67 still with me homies,

haha now terrgian is really allright when you got 6x vs Manticores woo woo
haha i swear manitcores are dicks when tryin to get them to pose for the camera -_-

oh yes oh yes your mad, your angry, your the next kirin,!! no no no!!! now gimme some punch!
we even had one sub BRD for the Ballad / Madigal chants, so we had zero down time of anyone resting
ahh the EXP was so insane almost as good when i was doin duo with Anticans
i wont say Bostonioiex cause alotta times those fights were hella long, and having limited AF and CHR gear, i died 2 twice during htose dazes

thens they was the fucker who broght his EXP PT to the scacred werebat zone, just cause he was a lazy douce and didnt check to see if any BSTs were in the area, and forced me to log out for 4 or so hours he can fucking exp, yeah you evibent , fuck you ( cause hes a BSTtoo wah wah wah he felt my pain, well listen douchebag, your causeing it and your a fuckin hippiecrit,) haha am like 4 months late on that angst steam off haha but still, FUCK YOU!

and here some shout outs to my SMN brethren, you people are bitchin'
due the lack of BST during my time of play ive been excited to ask SMNs if they willing to exp with us since Fenrir is a badass mofo vs those fat elder goobues
and its not like SMN are the most wanted either between the lvls of 66 thru 70, heh with eclipse bite doing 400-600 each chomp, they go down fassst

i just gotta remember not to mischarm my mandys next to them, or they fuckin toast lol since they cant charm , drop link hate, i felt so bad when i was try to charm release all the mandys while they went on frenzy on our resting SMN, least he had Reraise 2 on, but still D: sowwy dude

and another think i love about boyahda tree and goobues is RANDOM HATE SPIKES! yea!
and the ironic timing when my blink wears off, i land a critical hit
and get smacked with an Uppercut like this one :-p

thats my angry KOOL-AID Man face, mad art skillz

and of course im a sucker and a half for summerfest items no matter how stupid and retarded and useless the moogle event is
i will still waste like 3 hours to it, just to get a item that will fill my ever growning collection of RARE EXT items i cant mule,
someone gimme Aqua Abj Legs, so i can NPC my BRD AF haha ill miss you poofy Golf pants but shit thats like 5 slots damnit
heres me with the mrs hehe

and my on goin fanisnation with the adaman halberk, cause ill never have one /tear...

yeah i wont be online after september, aaaall the way to end of December, so boo, i may not be to reach my lvl 72 goal, by the end of this month :(
but i can sure as hell try!!
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