(no subject)

Sep 22, 2010 21:06

[OOC Information]
Name: Karra
Age: 31
AIM / E-mail / LiveJournal: brundle324 / atomiclemon@live.com / karra 
What characters do you play here already, if any?  none
Where did you hear about Extinguished? the solar winds told me.

[IC Information]
Character Name: Allison Young
Series: Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles


She's a pretty girl, considering how she grew up. Where she grew up. Dark brown hair that the machine that will eventually replace her described as 'beautiful'.  Like most people in the future, she has scars. Burns, and gunshot wounds. Cuts from being attacked by metal.  A laser barcode on her arm where she was tagged by Skynet.  The clothes that she wears, generally any sort of military clothing that the Resistance has managed to pick up, is usually worn until threadbare. Boots that she keeps as well as possible, and a silver bracelet that denotes she is part of Connor's unit.


Must find 300 word way to describe 'stubborn girl'. Hmm.

Allison is stubborn. Ha ha.  There's more to it than that, obviously. Behind it. 18 years of living through a war, through machines, through fighting in the resistance.  Being as stubborn as her mother was, and not letting the people she loves and cares about get away with letting themselves get hurt or letting themselves get killed. Protecting them, because she can and she wants to.  To being stubborn enough, strong enough to face a machine down, a machine that looks exactly like her or maybe does not and not tell it a damn thing. It wants to hear from her.

But, she's easily provoked. Into fighting. Into being frightened. Into self-sacrifice.  Her sense of self-preservation is fairly low, maybe as a result of being the only one in her family to survive Judgement Day.  Most definetly as a result of that. She will run if given the chance to escape from something. Of course she will.  But if the same opportunity presented it's self to her when she had a chance to save Derek Reese or Kyle Reese or John Connor?  Not so much.


She doesn't have any superhuman abilities or fancy magic powers. She's not metal, and if a TSCC John shows up, she'll pretty much point out that he is not his freaking machine girl and call him a dink. She is, however, okay at hand to hand combat. She knows how to use a gun, she can draw and she can play Chopin on the piano.  She's okay with computers, she'd pretty much have to be, considering: John Connor. Right?

Alliance or Coalition? Alliance


So. That's a hard one. Technically, there are two versions of Allison. The first from when John Connor was the leader of the resistance, and the second from when he wasn't. The one that I'm going with is the first version.

Allison's parents are Claire and David Young from Palmdale, and she was born on July 22nd 2008.  Allison's mother was a music teacher, and her father was an architect that taught her how to draw.  Her last birthday, before the war began, was in Griffith Park. All of her friends were there, and her father promised her a silver mountain bike on her next birthday.

But she didn't celebrate her birthday the next year (2011), because both of her parents and two-thirds of the world were wiped out in the fire of Judgement Day.  The show is not exactly clear on how a 3 year old girl survived Judgement Day alone, but there is a sort of implication that Derek and Kyle Reese might have picked her up at some point in the ruins of Griffith Park.  Given Derek Reese's reactions to the Terminator that has her appearance, it is very likely that they were close.

Allison spent most of her time living in Resistance bunkers and eating "garbage" for dinner.  At some point, she became close to John Connor. She's given a bracelet that only people close to Connor receive, and access to his top secret bunker. It's implied that they were sleeping together, and this relationship was exploited by Skynet when it had Terminators capture her in an attempt to replace her with a machine that for the most part did succeed.

First-person POV journal sample:

[ This girl's been running, and that's pretty obvious from the way she's breathing. ]

I don't know what this place is, I don't know what the hell is going on here.  I'm assuming this is a Skynet facility of some sort, and that metal is probably about to march down one of these halls and try to drag me off somewhere. So I've just got one question for you, and it's an important one. If you can answer it, anyway. Which way are they coming from, and which way is the way the hell out of here?

Third-person POV RP sample:

John and Allison talked a lot.  They talked about how alone he felt, how lonely it was just being John Connor. Growing up knowing what he'd known, and not being able to do a thing to save anyone, to stop Skynet, to stop the war. They talked about what it was like to grow up before the war, and he knew a lot more about that than she did. He could tell her all about the things she barely remembered. He could tell her about Griffith Park, remind her about everything there.

He told her about the people he'd known in the brief periods where he hadn't been on the run.  And they talked about machines, metal, computers. Math and physics. Things she liked to do on the rare occasions she had free time and he wasn't around, books that he'd read and places that he'd gone.

There were things they never, ever talked about. People. He never talked about his mother, she never talked about her parents.  Neither of them brought up Kate Connor.  No one talked about her to John at all, not anymore.

They talked when they were in bed, her legs curled up and head on the pillow beside his. Touching. Watching. Listening. Tactile bonding, he called it, when he'd been spending too much time around his metal.

She could already see the lack of trust people were begining to have with him based on that particular quirk. Not that they talked about that either. She didn't even know how to bring it up.

But she did know that she needed him as much as she was sure he needed her.  Because she was lonely too.

Any additional notes: “The safeword is banana”
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