Jan 06, 2009 01:40
2008 was a temaultous year for me.
January - Big fight with Heather resulting in violence and moving out.
Wreck with hispanics resulting in a lot of work on my car
Moved back in
Failed job search
Febuary - Heather's brother threatened to burn down the house.
Moved to Heather's house in Topton
Heather went to jail
Heather's brother pulled an assault rifle on me
Started getting really sick
March - Still sick and finally go to the doc
Start work at NOC
Migraines start
April - Finally move out of Heather's
Lame birthday by myself
Migraines stop
May - Hannah moves back to NOC
Things going really well
June - Heather gets ahold of me again
Start dating again
Migraines start again
July - Torn between what I wanted my life to be and what it really was
Flirted non stop with Ellen
Belle-Chere drama
Heather's birthday
August - Christmas in August
Break up with Heather
Move to Orange Beach, AL
Migraines stop
September - Got a temp job
Start dating Ellen
October - Ellen comes and visits
Loose temp job
Run away to Asheville
Run away to Meadville, PA
November - Went completely broke
Move to Birmingham, AL bc of lack of job and $$
Run away to Asheville
Run away to Meadville, PA
December - Sat on my ass in Birmingham, AL
Sondra went into hospital, stayed with her there in Asheville
.....CAN 2009 PLEASE BE BETTER?!?!?!