Dec 01, 2006 01:25
God is nuts. Man, He does things that never cease to amaze me! Over about the past 3 months I've been in a spiritual rut, it had gotten to a point two weeks ago where I was just like, "Screw this all, I'm done." and slowly, but surely, God started pushing me to head to confession, I hadn't been in almost two and a half weeks. Tonight I finally caved in and was like, "Okay, whatever, I'll go." I did, and man, am I glad. Part of my pennance was just to "sit and reflect on God's love for you and then tell Him from the depths of your heart that you love Him." It was amazing! I needed that, I just needed someone to tell me to just sit and ponder and think about God's love, it's been SO LONG since I've done that and I was utterly amazed how much I got out of just that one confession and pennance.