those silly questionaires

Mar 14, 2005 22:06

1. First name?

2. Were you named after anyone?
The detective show, Cagney and Laci, and a table cloth company

3. Do you wish on stars?
Only when I really need to get something and fast

4. When did you last cry?
The other day when I realized I am fat

5. Do you like your handwriting?
When I really work at it yes

6. What's your favorite lunch meat?
Why lunch? Don't you want my dinner or breakfast meat, too?

7. Whas is your birth date?
January 2, 1986

8. Whas is your most embarrassing CD?
Billy Ray Cyrus "It Won't Be the Last"

9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
Mos def

10. Are you a daredevil?
Absolutely not

11. Do looks matter?
When it comes to MY looks, I like to look my best

12. How do you release anger?
By jumping up and down in one spot and having a temper tantrum

13. Where is your second home?
In my car driving far, far away

14. Do you trust others easily?
I did until those jackasses broke in

15. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Boy-toys (as in using the boys as toys)

16. Which class in high school do you think was totally stupid?

17. Do you have a journal?

18. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Of course not. Why would you even ask that?

19. What are your nicknames?
Fuzzy, Laylay

20. Would you bungee jump?
If I were dying that very day, yes

21. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

22. Do you think that you are strong?
Strong enough to evade the real world

23. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Macinac Island Fudge straight from the Macinac

24. Shoe size?
8 1/2 womens

25. Red or pink?
Pink all the way, baby

26. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
My mood swings

27. Who do you miss most?
My grandfather, he was awesome

28. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back?
Yeah, biatch

29. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
Blue jeans and playboy bunny slippers

30. What are you listening to right now?
The theme song to the TV6 news

31. Last thing you ate?
McDonald's cheeseburgers this afternoon

32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
sexy red

33. Whas is the weather like right now?
Cold, windy and snowy (say Ya to da UP, eh?)

34. Last person you talked to on the phone?
My mommy

35. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Their eyes

36. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
Well, I like the person that started this on the livejournal, that's close enough

37. What is your ethnicity?
Do I really have to reiterate once again? Black, white, irish, spanish, and a shit load of other races that I don't even know about yet

38. Favorite drink?
Chocolate milk

39. Favorite sport?
WWE RAW and Smackdown

40. Hair color?
Right now it's rusty brown

41. Eye color?
Brown with a hint of goldenrod

42. Do you wear contacts?
Only when I want to see where I'm going

43. Are you single?
Not at the moment

44. Favorite food?

45. Last movie you watched?
The Punisher

46. Favorite day of the year?
Meladee's birthday

47. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings

48. Summer or winter?

49. Hugs or kisses?
Hugs are personal but kisses are real personal

50. What is your favorite dessert?
A second helping of whatever I just had

51. Who is most likely to respond?
Anyone who happens to read this journal

52. Who is most likely not to respond?
Steve McLain

53. What books are you reading?
All those little kid books that Meladee loves

54. What's on your mouse pad?
My finger

55. What did you watch last night on TV?
The news to see if they found Ryan Stark yet (the one that broke into the house)

56. Favorite smells?
The pretty ones

57. Favorite sounds?
The quiet ones

58. Rolling Stones or Beatles?

59. What's the furthest you've been from home?

60. Do you have a special talent?
Having a kid is special enough

I had a wonderful time in Saginaw by the way. It was awesome. To correct my late entry: Vassar is spelled with two "a's" and it was West Branch that we stopped in on the way down, not West Bank. Thank you Mike for the correction. We saw a light pink hummer and both Gemma and I bought corrsets. They're nice. Brooke's place is very crazy (with those 7 other girls and all I can just imagine). Her boyfriend and his fam is real nice as well. I wouldn't mind shopping there all the freakin time. The grandparents are wonderful as well. I like it there. Oh yeah, hurray for Long John Silvers. Until next time...
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