
Apr 14, 2019 21:33

В развитие предыдущего поста.

Гулял я вот сегодня в лесу целый час - солнышко, сосны, хорошо, и захотелось мне немножко поиграть в товарисча Школьникова (это, если кто не в курсе, штатный производитель геополитических теорий различной степени убедительности (от "что-то в этом есть" до "хоть бы Вики почитал, дурачок") у товарисча khazin). Сразу хочу ( Read more... )

К2501, размышления, Ывропа, геополитический опус

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Correct angle, some data ponts don't fit anonymous April 14 2019, 19:49:36 UTC
"Если Вена перестанет вас защищать, вы попадёте под азиатское ярмо московитов" - correct, I think.

- Macron: 41 y/o (done)
- Zelensky: 41 y/o (done?)
- Navalny: 42 y/o - oh this is *really* gonna be oh so 'interesting'

Bon Appetite.

If *not* - 4 more years of "sanctions".

That's why Germans threatened to go nuklear recently.
That's why *everything* depends on 21-st now
(poor Ukraine will have to "choose" again one week from now).

The "natural" scenario for Ukraine would have been to be split in two (four) parts, with (little) Kiev going under French, Donbass going under Germans, Polish and Romanians taking their cut etc. Such a "natural" scenario is very close to what once happened to one European country right before second world war - being split among several "friendly" superpowers (youngsters don't even remember that). And another European country after that - some youngsters vaguely remember that.

Globalization is no more, I think.

I think equilibrium was long time ago, when productive IT salaries (for coders) were around $25/hour - no matter which location.

So this is "Развал мира на панрегионы" most likely (and Europe finalizing several things, some started 30+ years ago, some started centuries ago).


Great geopolitical thinking by bunch of idiots in the northen capital and the southern capital. Drug addicts can't really govern reality. They can't operate heavy machinery also. Don't elect drug addicts to govern reality (or to operate heavy machinery).


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