Jul 18, 2005 21:13
colin is the raddest little kid ever!!!! man... kids are so great... we lit fireworks all afternoon, mainly lady fingers but some bigger ones to!!! he was like wow... i wish i had a heart like his to see the world as clean and pure and not evil like how i see it now... i want a pure heart and a faith the size of a mustard seed, maybe i can make mountians move, but in a diffrent way... wow blink is so good i like the new cd it makes me think... yesterday someone thought my mom was a hooker and was turning tricks to the trucker so i told her and she spazed on them how funny she freaked them so badly by just being her self!!! man.. i restringed my other axe today she sure sounds sweet... emo music is my new sound track blink is emo in some ways look at the lyrics... some hot chick in yakima yesterday said, wow your freaking shirt is rad... taking back sunday is a great band at least they have music taste in that end of the world, went is say the end of the world i mean the end is in the middle of nowheres ville...