Oct 30, 2010 10:15
Later that day Luke sat cross legged in his exercise studio. It was an empty loft above his apartment that he had leased and turned into a work out area. He had just completed a vigorous work out session and now sat trying to become one with the force through meditation. His conversation with his sister earlier in the day kept going through his mind. Was it true? Was Mara really incapable of loving anyone? He hated to think that but then he remembered her screaming at him during their last encounter. Clearly she did not and probably never would love him. He felt a pang of regret at that thought. Then his mind focussed on sweet, beautiful Ciella. Maybe he should consider marriage to her. After all he was not getting any younger and he did not want to pass up what may be his last chance at happiness.
Six weeks later a joyful ceremony was held in the huge courtyard behind the Imperial palace. Hundreds of well wishers filled the space, watching the wedding ceremony between the Jedi master and his lovely bride. Standing at the back of the gathering were three impartial observers. Talon Karrde and his two associates Aves and Dankin watched the ceremony their thoughts not on the occasion unfolding in front of them. They were instead thinking of Talon’s fiery second in command and wondering how the hell they were going to tell her that Luke Skywalker had just married another woman
Now Mara stood in front of Dankin, her face paper white.
‘What did you just say?’ she asked softly her voice cracking.
‘Mara he got married a week ago,’ Dankin reached out hesitantly taking her hand, ‘I’m sorry.’
All of the Wild Karrde crew had observed the tempestuous relationship between Mara and the Jedi Master. They knew only too well the complicated personality of Talon’s second in command. They knew how difficult it was for Mara to trust anyone, even more difficult for her to allow people into her heart. They also knew Luke Skywalker seemed to be the only person capable of really rattling her cage.
Suddenly Mara swayed on her feet then pitched forward. Dankin flung himself forward catching her before her head smashed into the duracrete.
Later that night Mara was locked in her apartment alone. She had forcefully sent Dankin on his way and had been avoiding holo-calls from Karrde since then. She sat in the dark curled up on her sofa her arms locked around her legs slowly rocking as her body was wracked with sobs. Oh, Luke why? Why? The single thought kept circling her mind. But she knew why, she still remembered the hurt look on his face at their last encounter. She had spent so long pushing him away she had no right to feel surprised that he would try to find happiness with someone else. Still her heart ached as she realized she had lost the one thing that mattered the most to her.
Luke sat across from Ciella in the restaurant on the resort planet of Carmen 9. They had been staying here for almost a week. The resort was luxurious, a magnificent multi storey hotel set on a cliff top overlooking a shimmering ocean. Ciella’s father had surprised them with the tickets for the trip at their wedding reception. Luke remembered very little of the actual ceremony. Only the throng of people all wanting to slap him on the back and congratulate him. He remembered how beautiful his bride had looked in the shimmery white gown, her head covered by a gauzy veil. He still remembered peeling the veil back and for a moment his heart stopped when a crown of lustrous red gold hair was revealed. Then his vision cleared and it was Ciella’s glossy black locks under the veil. He could not remember making his vows yet clearly he had. He knew he should not feel disappointed on his wedding day but he did nonetheless.
Luke gazed across at his beautiful new wife. Wife, the word spun around in his mind. He had spent so many years longing for this and thought he would feel complete. But he just felt hollow. The realization that he was now tied into a life long commitment with someone he didn’t love left him empty.
Suddenly a wave of pain and despair ricocheted through the force to him making him gasp and clutch the table trying to steady himself. Ciella looked at him worriedly, reaching across she squeezed his hand,
‘Honey are you okay?’
He tried to smile at her, as the waves of pain rolled through the force he knew they were coming from Mara. Their force bond was as strong as ever. He realized she had just learned of his marriage. He also realized how much he had hurt the woman he now knew he loved. Finally he returned the squeeze to his wife’s hand and pushed back from the table.
‘Ciella, do you mind if I go for a walk? I need some exercise to work off that big meal.’
Ciella looked puzzled for a moment then smiled, ‘Of course my love, take your time, I can go back up to our room on my own.’
Ten minutes later Luke found himself down at the water’s edge dropping to his knees his head in his hands a single phrase circling his mind, Mara, please forgive me!
Two weeks later the newlyweds returned to Coruscant. Leia stood waiting for the shuttle to arrive, excited about seeing the happy newlyweds. Her three children waited expectantly with her. Jacen and Jaina hopped around excitedly anxious to see their uncle and hoping they would not to have to wait long for a little cousin. Only Anakin looked troubled, his huge blue eyes turned up to his mother. She gazed down at him thinking how much he resembled Luke. She wondered what was troubling her remarkably force strong youngest son.
‘What is it honey?’ she asked anxiously stroking his face.
‘Momma, is Uncle Luke happy?’
Leia frowned, ‘Why of course he’s happy Ani, why would you ask such a question?’
Anakin shrugged, ‘He doesn’t feel happy in the force. Mara Jade is really sad too.’
Leia gasped, how on earth did Anakin think Mara was involved in Luke’s happiness? Leia had heard rumours over the last couple of weeks of Mara Jade’s unpredictable behaviour. She apparently had spent quite a few nights drinking heavily in some of Coruscants seedier establishments. Then two days ago she had blasted out of Coruscant like a scalded cat when she learnt of Luke’s imminent return. Part of Leia could not help but feel a twinge of guilt. Maybe she had been wrong about Mara. Well it was too late now she knew Ciella would make her brother happy.
The transport had arrived and the hatch was being lowered as Leia’s three little ones began jumping up and down with excitement. A glowing Ciella Skywalker appeared at the top of the ramp. She was joined shortly by her new husband. Leia’s eyes passed over the pale, rather gaunt face of her twin brother. Oh, Luke what have I done to you? Ani was tugging her sleeve,
‘Yes Ani,’ she smiled down at her six year old.
‘I told you momma, Uncle Luke is really unhappy.’