NG news

May 03, 2008 14:36

Lions, Hippos Poisoned in Famous Kenya Park

Several hippopotamuses and at least four lions in Kenya's famed Masai Mara National Reserve have died after ingesting a powerful insecticide, conservationists say.

The hippos ate grass contaminated by the pesticide, called carbofuran, and the lions became partially paralyzed after eating a hippo carcass, according to the conservation nonprofit WildlifeDirect.

The hippo carcass and one of the lions-which was euthanized-tested positive for the compound, the group said in a statement.

Conservationists are concerned that pastoralists are increasingly using carbofuran to get rid of carnivores that prey on their livestock. ...full article

Date: May 2nd, 2008 - Source

....this is just awful

national geographic news

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