April alresdy? Where has the time gone?
I've just spent a good couple of hours reading through posts and catching up on various goings on here. The last 3 months have been stressful to say the least and at times I really wanted to write down events but just had no words. Great as sites like Facebook are they don't really allow for the community that Livejournal offers.
Life moves along. Spring arrives and brings with it some early sunshine. Work squanders it.
New friends come into your life as death takes others away.
New shores get explored and time ticks on.
If there is one thing I have learned this year so far is make the most of each day you have. See the people you always plan to see but always put off. Tell your loved ones how you feel and enjoy the special moments you have with them. Do what makes you feel happy. Life waits for noone and we only get one shot at living it. Find what makes you happy and enjoy it.